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Shared Learning Track Sessions

Aligning Payment Models With Best Practice Service Delivery Approaches | August 2024

States have expressed the need for timely and adequate Medicaid reimbursement for housing-related services (HRSS). This Shared Learning Track session focuses on operationalizing payment models that reduce provider burden and support effective, person-centered HRSS and delivery using best practices and evidence-based approaches. Key topics include stakeholder engagement, sustainable financial models, and efficient claims management, payments, and authorizations.

Increasing Provider Capacity in HRSS Systems | July 2024

States need robust networks of CBOs to deliver housing-related supports and services (HRSS) for Medicaid-eligible individuals at risk of or experiencing homelessness. These CBOs must also operate effectively in a Medicaid environment, performing key tasks like billing and delivering services following program standards. This session will explore innovative strategies to address provider capacity challenges and provide a framework for states and their partners to ensure CBOs can serve as effective partners in delivering HRSS.

Strategies for Cross-Sector Data Exchanges | June 2024

Sharing housing, health, and social care data across systems enables data matching and integration, which supports planning, resource prioritization, service gap identification, and quality improvement. Multi-directional data sharing enhances service coordination, reduces administrative burdens, and expands eligibility checks. This workshop-style Shared Learning Track session will showcase innovative state data sharing, matching, and integration strategies. State panelists will discuss their data goals, the necessary fundamentals, and challenges faced. 

Implementation of Braiding Funding | May 2024

This Shared Learning Track builds on April’s session on strategies for successful braiding funding and digs deeper into the implementation of braiding funding, especially how to align and coordinate housing assistance matching via coordinated entry systems, PHA waiting lists, Continuum of Care programs (PSH, RRH), and other housing program waitlists with Medicaid housing services eligibility. The session will emphasize multi-system funding approaches. 

Strategies and Structures for Braiding Funding | April 2024

Braiding funding uses available funding, flexibilities, and partners to align and coordinate housing, health, and social care so that people with disabilities, older adults, and people at risk of or experiencing homelessness can live stably and well in the community. The concept is relatively simple, but creating a system that braids funding can be complex and challenging. HSRC’s second Shared Learning Track session features a Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator state’s successful braiding strategies for different housing and services models and operational components.

Cultivating and Leveraging Successful HRSS Partnerships | March 2024

Robust partnerships are the backbone of aligning and coordinating person-centered, housing-related services and supports (HRSS) that improve housing stability, health, and well-being. During HSRC’s first Learning Track session, two state presenters discuss how long-standing partnerships across housing, health, and social care can foster sustainability at the state and local levels and cover replicable strategies and lessons learned for successful HRSS programs. 

Last modified on 09/10/2024

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