New Materials on the Opioid Crisis and People with Disabilities for Consumers, Providers, and Community Organizations

April 8, 2019

Three new issue briefs(link is external) on medication treatment, peer support, and traumatic brain injury from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research grantee Brandeis University(link is external) provide information for people with disabilities and their families, substance use treatment providers, and community organizations looking for resources on how the opioid crisis may be impacting people with disabilities.

The Intersecting Research on Opioid Misuse Addiction and Disability Services (INROADS) Project aims to understand how and why people with disabilities misuse opioids, help them access treatment, recover from opioid use disorder, and move toward their individually defined life goals.

Download the three new issue briefs(link is external).

Last modified on 05/29/2020

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