The purpose of the Field Initiated (FI) Projects program is to develop knowledge, methods, procedures, and rehabilitation technology that maximize the full inclusion and integration into society, employment, independent living, family support, and economic and social self sufficiency of individuals with disabilities, especially those with the highest support needs. Another purpose of the FI Projects program is to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Act).The purpose of this competition is to improve the capacity of minority entities to conduct high quality disability and rehabilitation research. Minority entities may apply, consistent with section 21(b)(2)(A) of the Act. Section 21 of the Act authorizes NIDILRR to make awards to minority entities and Indian tribes to carry out authorized activities under Title II of the Act. NIDILRR makes two types of awards under the FI Projects program: research grants and development grants.In carrying out a research activity under a FI Projects research grant, a grantee must identify one or more hypotheses or research questions and, based on the hypotheses or research questions identified, perform an intensive, systematic study directed toward producing (1) new scientific knowledge or (2) better understanding of the subject, problem studied, or body of knowledge.NIDILRR plans to make four FIP-MSI awards. NIDILRR's FIP-MSI awards may be research projects, development projects, or a combination of both, depending on the ranking of applications provided by the peer review panel.Note: An applicant should consult NIDILRR's Long-Range Plan for Fiscal Years 2024-2028 (the Plan), when preparing its application. The Plan is organized around the following outcome domains: (1) community living and participation; (2) health and function; and (3) employment.Applicants for FI projects must specify in their abstract and project narrative which major outcome domain their proposed project will focus on. Although applicants may propose projects that address more than one domain, they should select the primary domain addressed in their proposed project.An applicant must demonstrate, in its original application, that people with disabilities from diverse racial and ethnic communities will be included in proposed samples in sufficient numbers to generate knowledge and products that are relevant to the racial and ethnic diversity of the population of people with disabilities being studied. The applicant must describe and justify, in its original application, the planned racial and ethnic distribution of people with disabilities who will participate in the proposed research or development activities.Applicants must ensure that all materials, websites and information technology tools and products that they plan to develop or maintain are accessible, and that electronic materials are produced in full compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d). For websites this compliance currently requires meeting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0/2.1 AA success criteria. Applications must demonstrate an ability to meet these requirements.FI Projects research applicants must define the stage or stages of research that they propose to conduct. Any rigorous quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods research can be appropriate, depending on the hypothesis or research question being addressed by the applicant. NIDILRR does not have an absolute preference for one methodological approach or research stage. If the FI Projects grant is to conduct research that can be categorized under more than one stage including research that progresses from one stage to another, those stages must be clearly specified. These stages are: exploration and discovery, intervention development, intervention efficacy, and scale-up evaluation.
Field Initiated Projects Program: Minority-Serving Institutions (MSI) -Research
Opportunity ID
Primary CFDA Number
Funding Opportunity Number
Funding Instrument Type
Expected Number of Awards Synopsis
Eligibility Applicants
Public and State controlled institutions of higher education,Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized),Private institutions of higher education,Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Additional Information on Eligibility
Parties eligible to apply for MSI FI grants are limited to minority entities and Indian Tribes as authorized by Section 21 (b)(2)(A) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. A minority entity is defined as a Historically Black College or University (HCBU) (a part B institution, as defined in Section 322(2) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended), a Hispanic-serving institution of higher education, an American Indian tribal college or university, or another IHE whose minority student enrollment is at least 50 percent. NIDILRR is especially interested in applications from individual minority entities that have historically been underrepresented in the Federal research arena. Foreign entities are not eligible to compete for, or receive, awards made under this announcement.
Estimated Award Date
Funding Opportunity Description
Award Ceiling
Award Floor
Original Closing Date for Applications
Date for Informational Conference Call
Last modified on 12/30/2024