Dr. King persistently challenged himself and others to answer the question “What are you doing for others?” A good answer to that question is “Serving as a volunteer on the Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Day of Service.” On Monday, January 20, you can assist the homeless, veterans, or military families; you can visit a community center to talk to seniors and kids about making healthy food choices; you can help plant trees in your community; or you can do one of dozens of other activities to serve your neighbors and community.
Visit the MLK Day of Service website to learn how you can join President and First Lady Obama and countless Americans from diverse walks of life to volunteer for this national day of service. At the website, you can register a service project or sign up to volunteer for a project in your community. You can also download toolkits to plan and promote a service event. And, after the project has ended, you can revisit the website to share how the project impacted your community.
The MLK Day of Service is a part of United We Serve, the President’s national call to service initiative. It calls for Americans from all walks of life to work together to provide solutions to our most pressing national problems.