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New Grants Awarded for Coalitions to Develop Action Plans to Advance Decisional Support for All Adults

October 3, 2019

ACL has awarded three new grants totaling $225,000 to support a year of planning for future state-based collaborative projects to make progress in strategies and facilitate decisional supports for all adults. 

These planning grants will support state coalitions in developing action plans for advancing strategies that will ensure self-determination of older adults and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) through the use of a full range of decisional supports. The plans will be developed with consensus from inclusive representational groups of disability and aging communities, and other key stakeholders. These coalitions would examine all mechanisms to strengthening decisional capacity. The projects funded by the new grants began on September 30, 2019. 

Through the planning grants, state consortia will consider state options for reform of alternatives to, and limitations on guardianship; and create plans that will provide access to more strategies to support decision-making. This will provide individuals the opportunity to use their preferred autonomous means of support their decision-making and have greater self-determination.

The three projects were awarded:

  • The Kansas Self-Determination Coalition, which will be led by the Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) with its partners including the Kansas Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities, older adults, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), families, guardians, judges, legislators, and professionals
  • The Indiana State Plan Development to Expand Supported Decision-Making and Decision Supports for Individuals with I/DD and Older Adults, which will be led by the Indiana Disability Rights and the Indiana Institute on and Community (UCEDD). Other members of the coalition include the Working Interdisciplinary Networks of Guardianship Stakeholders (WINGS), Indiana Association of Area Agencies on Aging Older Adults, Indiana Adult Guardianship Office, Indiana State Bar Association, Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities People, a DD Council Coalition member, a Representative or Senator, Self-Advocates of Indiana, Arc of Indiana, Indiana Statewide Independent Living Council, Indiana Legal Services Legal services,  Indiana Chapter of AARP, Family Voices of Indiana, Indiana Division of Aging Older Adults, Indiana Division of Disability and Rehabilitation Services People with Disabilities, Professional Guardians, Department of Education, service providers, Indiana Adult Protective Services Abuse, Indiana Adult Guardianship Services and older adults.
  • The Missouri Supported Decision Making Consortium, which will be led by the University of Missouri on behalf of UMKC (UCEDD). The partners will include Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council, Missouri Protection and Advocacy, older adults, people with I/DD, families, judges, legislators, and professionals.


Projects of National Significance focus on the most pressing issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families. Through the projects, ACL supports the development of national and state policy and awards grants and contracts that enhance the independence, productivity, inclusion, and integration of people with developmental disabilities.

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) was created around the fundamental principle that all people, regardless of age or disability, should be able to live independently and fully participate in their communities. By advocating across the federal government for older adults, people with disabilities, and families and caregivers; funding services and supports provided by primarily by networks of community-based organizations; and investing in training, education, research, and innovation, ACL helps makes this principle a reality for millions of Americans.

Last modified on 05/18/2023

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