Webinar on Friday, June 26 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm ET.
ACL presents a webinar highlighting how technology can be leveraged to increase social engagement, including specific hardware and software options. Presenters will also identify resources for acquiring and distributing technology, as well as mechanisms for training older adults and adults with disabilities to use technology solutions designed to mitigate social isolation.
Presenters: Majd Alwan, LeadingAge; Cathy Bodine, University of Colorado, Denver; Scott Code, LeadingAge; Ryan Elza, AARP Foundation; Sandy Markwood, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a); Carolyn Phillips, GA Tech Pass It On Center
After registering for this event, you will receive a confirmation email with a calendar invite. We encourage adding this event to your calendar through this invite in order facilitate easy access to this event.
Contact Kristie Kulinski at kristie.kulinski@acl.hhs.gov with registration questions.