October is National Retirement Security Month, an opportunity for workers of all ages to reflect on their retirement savings and goals. To celebrate the month, ACL is highlighting the tireless and impactful work of our partners, including our resource centers to ensure economic security and opportunities for retirement income for older Americans.
In particular, ACL recognizes the vital work of the Pension Rights Center, the Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER), and the regional pension counseling centers whose work focuses on removing barriers to retirement and assisting older adults in accessing their retirement benefits. ACL resource centers and grantees provide a range of resources and programs to help older Americans access much-needed retirement income, prepare for retirement, and address issues that arise after receiving retirement income.
These ACL-supported programs assist individuals and populations who are often overlooked and underserved, such as widowed and divorced spouses who need help accessing the pension and other retirement benefits to which they are entitled. They also seek to address the challenges that communities of color and women often have in preparing and saving for retirement, and they work to reduce and address the impact of financial exploitation on older adults. In these unprecedented times, these organizations have worked to address the specific impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had, and will continue to have, on economic and retirement security for both benefit earners and their spouses.
Below, we’ve compiled a variety of retirement security resources from our contractors, grantees, and federal partners.
- 2020 Annual Symposium on Financial Solutions for Women (held on October 2, 2020)
- The Latina Savings Project: A project designed to encourage and facilitate saving among low- and moderate-income Latinas
- Retirement and Economic Security Fact Sheets: Publications covering a range of topics related to retirement and economic security, from managing income, savings, debt, and credit, to retirement and Social Security planning.
- ”Financial Fears in the Age of COVID-19: Help Yourself Just by Starting”: Article by WISER President Cindy Hounsell that provides guidance on retirement planning in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
- COVID-19 Resources Infographic: Covers COVID-19 financial resources related to retirement, unemployment, housing, and more
Pension Rights Center
- Find a pension counseling program: Free legal assistance is available to individuals experiencing a problem with their pension, profit sharing, or retirement savings plans
- "Dividing Retirement Benefits at Divorce”: A publication that provides advice and information on the legal requirements for dividing benefits in a divorce
National Center on Law and Elder Rights (NCLER)/ Justice in Aging
- Social Security and Supplemental Security Income 101: Article providing an overview of Social Security and SSI income
- ”I Can't Pay That!" - Social Security Overpayments and Low-Income Clients: Webinar discussing Social Security and SSI benefit overpayments
- Older Women and Poverty: A special report on the unique circumstances of low-income older women
- NCLER Library Economic Security Trainings: Webinars related to economic security
National Center on Elder Abuse
- Economic Security and Abuse Publications: Publications related to financial abuse and exploitation
Social Security Administration
- Retirement Benefits Page: Webpage devoted to Social Security retirement benefits and planning for retirement
- Your Retirement Checklist
- Retirement Benefits Publication: 2020 document providing a detailed overview of Social Security retirement benefits
- Your Retirement Benefits: How It's Figured
- My Social Security Online Tool: Access your Social Security statement, review your earning history, and much more
- Retirement Estimator Online Tool: Provides an estimate of your personal retirement benefits and to see the effects of different retirement age scenarios
- Online Retirement Application
- Understanding the Benefits: 2020 document providing a detailed overview of Social Security benefits, including retirement, disability, and other benefits
Securities and Exchange Commission
- Upcoming Webinar: Protecting Older Americans From Financial Fraud: October 20, 2020
- First Job: Webpage providing resources for retirement planning in your first job
- ”Employment to Retirement” Planning Resources: Webpage providing resources for retirement planning
- You Help Others, so Help Yourself by Learning About Your Retirement Options: Article with retirement planning resources for employees of public schools, state and local governments, church organizations and non-profits
- Investor Bulletin on Variable Annuities
- Look Out for Coronavirus-Related Investment Scams: Online article providing resources on coronavirus-related scams
Government Accountability Office
- “RETIREMENT SECURITY: Older Women Report Facing a Financially Uncertain Future”: Report outlining the perspectives of retired women on financial security
U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging
- ”Women and Retirement: Unique Challenges and Opportunities to Pave a Brighter Future”: Senate hearing based largely on the GAO report above