ACL's Administration on Aging has released a new funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for the Alzheimer’s Disease Programs Initiative (ADPI)-Dementia Capability in Indian Country.
As American Indians and Alaska Natives are living longer, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) are increasing in Indian Country. By 2060, the number of tribal elders aged 65 and older living with dementia is projected to grow significantly. ACL’s ADPI in Indian Country seeks to address this challenge by supporting federally recognized tribes, tribal organizations, and/or consortiums representing federally recognized tribes in developing and implementing dementia-capable home- and community-based service systems.
The dementia-capable systems resulting from activities under this grant are expected to provide quality, person-centered services and supports that help tribal elders and other individuals living with dementia and their caregivers remain independent and safe in their communities.
ACL anticipates awarding four, 36-month, cooperative agreements with three 12-month budget periods for a maximum of $250,000 each year. Funded three-year programs will be designed in single year increments with well-defined required milestones. Continuation funding for each year is contingent upon the achievement of annual program milestones and the availability of federal funding.
All successful applicants will have significant direct service components, to include program activity milestones including, but not limited to, implementation of evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions, education and training activities, and robust evaluations. Applicants will include a tribal resolution to demonstrate tribal leadership support and the authority to conduct the activities proposed in the application. If the organization is applying as a consortium, a signed resolution authorizing the application submission from each member Tribe is required.
View more details and application instructions.
Please visit the link above for more details about the funding opportunity and application process. This funding opportunity closes on July 19, 2021.
There will be an informational call about this funding opportunity on June 3, 2021, from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST.
The dial-in information is below:
Toll Free Number: 888-790-3545, passcode: 8559592
The informational call will be recorded for those who are unable to attend. The recording can be accessed at 800-835-5808 (passcode: 88747) until July 19, 2021.
Please contact Erin Long with questions about this funding announcement.