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Comments Needed

Open for Public Comment

Centers for Independent Living Program Performance Report (CILPPR) (formerly known as the 704 Part II report)

The CIL PPR is submitted annually by all CILs receiving IL Part C funds. The CIL PPR is used by ACL to assess grantees' compliance with title VII of the Act, with section 1329 of the Code of Federal Regulations and with applicable provisions of the HHS regulations at 45 CFR part 75. The CIL PPR serves as the primary basis for ACL's monitoring activities in fulfillment of its responsibilities under sections 706 and 722 of the Act. The CIL PPR also enables ACL to collect Start Printed Page 11472 qualitative and quantitative data to track performance outcomes and efficiency measures of the centers for independent living (CILs) programs with respect to the annual and long-term performance targets established in compliance with GPRA. The CIL PPR is also used by ACL to design CIL training and technical assistance programs authorized by section 721 of the Act.

Comments are due on the proposed reporting form by May 5, 2017.  Additional information can be found in the Federal Register.

National Survey of Older Americans Act (OAA) Participants

ACL is seeking public comment on the information collection requirements relating to consumer assessment surveys that are used by ACL to measure program performance for programs funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act. The 2017 Survey Instrument does contain changes from the version currently in use. Comments are due on the proposed survey by May 12, 2017. More information can be found in the Federal Register.

Protection and Advocacy for Traumatic Brain Injury  Program Performance Report (PPR)

Protection and Advocacy Systems in each State are required to annually prepare and submit to a report that includes documentation of the progress they have made in serving individuals with traumatic brain injury. The PPR will allow federal staff to review the programs performance and achievement and assist where technical assistance is needed. Additionally, information contained in the PPR provides performance measures based on the annual reports. The performance data is reported to Congress under the Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act (GPRAMA). Comments are due on the proposed data collection form by May 26, 2017.  Additional information can be found in the Federal Register.

ACL Standard Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) form

ACL seeks to make a small number of minor edits to the current Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) template form. The edits are intended to clarify and simplify the form used to solicit applicants who wish to perform activities related to the various programs offered by ACL, either through a grant or cooperative agreement. The edits consist of correcting grammatical errors, removing duplicative language, and allowing for the option to add program specific instructions to the project summary and abstract. Comments are due on the proposed template by May 26, 2017. More information can be found in the Federal Register.

Last modified on 05/03/2017

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