Sodium Reduction Toolkit
Sodium is an essential nutrient our bodies use in small amounts for many different functions. Eating too much sodium increases risk for high blood pressure and other health problems. This toolkit explains major sources of sodium, calculating sodium content of meals, options for reducing sodium, and more.
- Reducing Sodium in Senior Meals: Tips and Tricks (YouTube)— Webinar on how local congregate sites and national home-delivered meal providers reduced sodium, with accompanying presentation Reducing Sodium in Senior Meals (Slides)
- Sodium Reduction Social Media Toolkit — Ready-to-use social media posts to encourage reducing sodium in meals
- Guide to SUA Sodium Policies and Guidance — Examples of state policies and materials related to sodium content of meals
- Building Emergency Shelf-Stable Meals — Considerations and tips for creating shelf-stable emergency meals
- Create a Flavor Station — Information on creating a flavor station, including options for low-sodium seasonings
- FDA Sodium Guidance and Healthy Meals for Older Adults — Discussion of FDA recommendations and SNP considerations for managing sodium in meals
- Managing Sodium in Meals and Menus — Tips for reducing sodium when buying food, in menu planning, and meal production
- Salt and Sodium — Tip sheet that defines salt versus sodium and demonstrates how to calculate added sodium in recipes and read food labels
- Sodium Reduction Resources — Resources used by schools and senior nutrition programs to lower sodium in meals
- Sodium Reduction Toolkit Reference List — Compilation of resources and references used in toolkit documents
- Reducing Sodium, Not Flavor! (YouTube)— Webinar hosted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on federal initiatives to help limit sodium and improve health
- Partnering With Food Service To Reduce Sodium— Toolkit from NNPHI and HRiA
- Tips for Reducing Sodium — Reduce sodium without reducing the flavor