No Wrong Door
No Wrong Door (NWD) is a one-stop, coordinated system that provides individuals with streamlined access to support and services and helps to eliminate the need to contact multiple programs to do so. NWD empowers individuals to make informed decisions, exercise control over their needs, and achieve their personal goals and preferences.
- Disability and Health Information— CDC resources for people with disabilities
- Long-Term Services and Supports State Scorecard— Data comparing long-term services
and supports across states from AARP, the Commonwealth Fund, and The SCAN Foundation - Promising Practices for Accessing Long-Term Services and Supports— Promising practices
and a toolkit on person-centered practices from AARP
- Aging and Disability Resource Centers (NWD)/No Wrong Door System — ACL page explaining the purpose of NWD and how it streamlines access to long-term services and supports
- No Wrong Door Key Elements — Detailed guidance for states