Marketing is how we attract participants, volunteers, staff, and partners to our nutrition programs. Promoting your services effectively will help you to stay competitive and continue to appeal to new and existing participants. Learning about different techniques and how to implement them can be a valuable tool in your program’s toolbox or business skills.
Quick Guides
- Recipes for Success: Media (YouTube)— Bite-sized video with tips on promoting your program
- Content Marketing Best Practices for Small Businesses— SCORE infographic on factors affecting
content marketing success - How Your Small Business Can Succeed with Social Media— SCORE infographic that highlights the
latest statistics on why and how to use social media to connect with your customers - Video Marketing for Small Businesses— SCORE infographic with statistics on the success of
video marketing - Impact Writing Workshop — Learn the basic principles to writing an impact statement
- Try This Instead of That — Tips for marketing your aging nutrition program
- Digital Marketing Basics — Strategies for building a digital presence
- Marketing & Communications Guide — Tips to help you boost the visibility of your program
- Marketing: Rethinking Your Understanding and Reassessing Your Strategy — Summary brief
Ready-to-Use Materials
- Senior Nutrition Program Social Media Toolkit — Adaptable posts that can be used to celebrate the Senior Nutrition Program throughout the year
- Falls Prevention Program Social Media Toolkit— NCOA toolkit to promote evidence-based falls prevention programs
- Food Insecurity Social Media Toolkit — Sample social media posts to bring awareness to food insecurity, with accompanying Food Insecurity Social Media Graphics (.zip)
- Nutrition Holiday Inspiration Calendar — Holidays and food observances with activity suggestions
Tools & Toolkits
- Plug-and-Play Slides — PowerPoint deck with sample layouts and content ideas for nutrition programs
- Web Design for an Older Adult Audience — Best practices for enhancing readability for all users
- Senior Nutrition Program Anniversary Page — Materials and more from ACL
- CDSME Program Social Media Toolkit— NCOA toolkit to promote Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) programs
- Sodium Reduction Social Media Toolkit — Ready-to-use social media posts to encourage reducing sodium in meals
- Marketing and Recruitment— Tools, strategies, and templates from NCOA
- Nutrition and Health Related Holidays Social Media Toolkit — Sample social media posts to celebrate nutrition and health related holidays
- Your Community Meal Program is Waiting to Serve You — Customizable flyer from ACL about the benefits of senior nutrition programs
- Nutrition Program Promo Participant Focus — Poster highlighting program benefits
- Nutrition Program Promo Volunteer Focus — Poster on benefits of volunteering
- Congregate Program Value Proposition Infographic — ACL graphic to make the business case
- How to Customize Marketing for Programs in Indigenous Communities— NCOA article on messaging
- Senior Nutrition Program Two-Minute Promotional Video (YouTube) — Video focused on connection and social aspects of senior nutrition programs
- Senior Nutrition Program Video (YouTube) — Five-minute video that features participants, providers, and partners
- Making the Connection: Sales 101— MOWA presentation on the potential for partnerships
- Pitch Perfect Messaging and Communications — Presentation on services provided by HomeLinks
- Facebook Fundamentals: Get Noticed and Drive Traffic— One-hour SCORE webinar on how best to set up your Facebook page
- Make Your Marketing Work - Track the Correct Analytics— One-hour SCORE webinar on how to find the data to measure your ROI
- Digital Marketing Recorded Webinar: Social Media DIY: Calendar, Create and Promote!— 90-minute SCORE webinar that covers content calendars, graphics, and social media management tools
- Digital Marketing Strategies for Growth— 90-minute SCORE webinar where viewers will learn about creating a content marketing plan and how to evaluate it
- Market Your Nutrition Program (YouTube)— One-hour webinar on best practices to successfully market a nutrition program
- How Do I Get My Business on Google Search & Maps— Two-minute SCORE video on creating a free Business Profile on Google
- Microlearning Videos— Virginia Center on Aging series of one-to-two-minute videos that address older adult malnutrition, food insecurity, and the services and programs that can help address those issues