Native Elders
Native Elders have rich traditions that shape their health and nutritional needs. Understanding these traditions and the unique challenges tribal communities face can help ensure that nutrition programs are respectful and effective in supporting their health.
- Quick Guide to Title III and Title VI Nutrition Partnership — Guidance on ways to collaborate to meet the goals of the OAA
- Title VI Spending Quick Guide — Spending option information helpful to Title III programs that also run or partner with Title VI programs
- Older Indians Title VI Gardens — Older Americans Act Title VI Gardens and Recipes website
- Title III and Title VI Programs Nutrition Collaboration — Partnership ideas and resources
Tools & Toolkits
- American Indian Traditional Foods in USDA School Meals Programs— Toolkit from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) Recipes— Links to recipes for foods provided by the FDPIR
- My Native Plate— IHS tool for selecting balanced meals
- Changing the Narrative About Native Americans: A Guide for Allies— Tool to reframe the narrative about Native Americans
- Native Diabetes Wellness Program— CDC program to help prevent type 2 diabetes
- Traditional Unangax^ Foods Nutritional Labels (YouTube)— Short, animated videos from Aleutian Probilof Islands Association for nutrition facts on traditional foods
- USDA Indigenous Food Sovereignty Initiative— American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Indigenous food cooking videos, recipes, foraging videos, and more
- Elder Health— Information and resources to support the health of elders from the National Indian Council on Aging, Inc. (NICOA)
- American Indian and Alaska Native Health— Medline Plus resources on health concerns for American Indians and Alaska Natives
- Find a Title VI Director— Older Indians webpage with list of regions, tribal leadership, and Title VI directors
- Native Food Directory— Older Indians directory that can be used for tailoring meals in a Title III site for a tribal population
- Better Together How Your Title III Program Can Collaborate with Title VI— 60-minute panel discussion demonstrating how three states are successfully coordinating between Title III and Title VI
- Cultural Sensitivity: Working with Native Americans— One-hour interactive educational module from the International Association for Indigenous Aging
- Making Your Meal Program THRIVE (YouTube)— One-hour video about the University of Arizona Center on Aging project, with accompanying presentation Program THRIVE Slides
- Title VI Heart Healthy Traditional Foods (YouTube)— Title VI hour-long webinar on strategies for consuming traditional foods as part of a heart-healthy diet
- Title VI and Title III Grantee Collaboration Study (2020)
- Understanding the Training Needs of OAA Title VI Program Nutrition and Aging Program Professionals (2019) — Examines the availability of data on meeting the training needs of OAA Title VI nutrition and aging program professionals
- Native Elder Nutrition Education & Training Needs Assessment — Survey on Title VI program staff training needs
- Recommendations for Training Curricula for OAA Title VI Nutrition Program Professionals — Recommendations to improve the administration, implementation, quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of the OAA Title VI Nutrition Program