Ready-to-use Education
Access ready-to-use nutrition education materials that can enhance and improve your program’s nutrition education offerings.
Quick Guides
- Healthy Eating Plate— Harvard University guide for creating healthy, balanced meals
- Oral Health Guide for Older Adults — Tips and resources for maintaining oral health
- Farmers' Market Tips and Tricks — Tips for making the most of shopping at the
farmers' market - Aging Vibrantly — National Dairy Council fact sheet for older adults
- Boost Your Immune System in Challenging Times — Resource on different vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants
Tools & Toolkits
- Seasonal and Regional Produce Chart — Tool to help programs see what types of produce are in season in their region
- Nutrition Education Calendar — Nutrition education topics and resources for a 12-month calendar year
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) Nutrition Education— Nutrition education
materials for American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) - My Native Plate — Indian Health Service tool for selecting balanced meals
- Oral Health Social Media Toolkit
- Words on Wellness— Newsletters developed by Iowa State University Extension dietitians about nutrition, exercise, and food safety
- Choose My Plate Dietary Guidelines (YouTube)— Three-minute video with basic dietary guidelines information from ACI Specialty Benefits
- Kitchen Time Savers— Tip sheet from USDA
- USDA's MyPlate— U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) tool with tips and resources to support healthy dietary patterns
- MyPlate Print Materials— Printable tip sheets and resources
- Plan and Shop for Simple Healthy Meals — Example meals, grocery list, and tips from GWaar
Activities & Games
- BINGO cards from GWaar
- Crack the Code
- Jeopardy— Public platform to create your own game (note: we cannot guarantee the accuracy of premade game answers on the platform)
- Farmers Market Scavenger Hunt— Game from USU
- Learning in the Kitchen— Food and nutrition-related games from NWT Literacy Council
- On Demand Nutrition Videos— Library of videos and coordinating resources for consumer nutrition education
- Cooking with NYC Aging— Healthy recipes and cooking demo recordings in English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Korean
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans— Guidance from the USDA on what to eat and drink to meet nutrient needs, promote health, and prevent disease
- Added Sugars— How to cut down on added sugars
- Top Sources of Added Sugars— Top sources and average intake
- Build a Healthy Eating Routine as You Get Older— Tools specific to and designed for older adults
- Current Intakes: Ages 60 and Older— Average daily food group intakes compared to recommended intake ranges
- Customizing the Dietary Guidelines Framework— Fact sheet showing examples of the range of options in each food group
- Diet Across the Lifespan— Fact sheet showing benefits of healthy eating at various life stages
- Dietary Intakes Compared to Recommendations— Graphic showing percent of U.S. population at or above each dietary goal
- Eat Healthy to Be Healthy— Infographic about the benefits of following the DGAs
- Make Healthy Drink Choices— Fact sheet about beverages
- Making Healthy Choices: One Day at a Time— Tips and recipes for nutrient dense choices
- Making Nutrient-Dense Choices: One Food or Beverage at a Time— Examples of nutrient-dense replacements for typical foods
- Making Nutrient-Dense Choices: One Meal at a Time— Infographic comparing a typical burrito bowl to a nutrient-dense one
- Saturated Fats— How to cut back on saturated fats
- Top sources of Saturated Fats— Top sources and average intake
- Sodium— How to reduce sodium intake
- Top sources of Sodium— Top sources and average intake
- The Guidelines— Quick tips for making every bite count with the DGAs
- Top 10 Things You Need to Know About the DGAs— Quick tips related to the 2020-2025 DGAs