Program Evaluation
Tools & Toolkits
- Plate Waste Tool — Audit tool developed by South Carolina Department on Aging that calculates plate waste scores for evaluation
- SUA Nutrition Education Monitoring Template — Template for evaluating whether nutrition education
activities meet OAA requirements - AmeriCorps Evaluation Resources— AmeriCorps provides tools to help programs evaluate services
and adjust as needed
- Know Your Numbers 4: Risk Management— SCORE webinar that discusses how to create a SWOT analysis, prioritize your risks, and decide which risks need mitigation plans to protect your business assets
- Product & Services, Value Proposition, VPMF Test— SCORE webinar that discusses products and services, value proposition, VPMF test, and developing a strong value proposition
- Using Data Effectively in Federal Grant Applications (YouTube)— Tips and practical examples to use data to meet an application's goals and objectives
- Using Data & Satisfaction Surveys to Solicit the Voice of the Customer in Menu Planning (YouTube)— Understand the use of customer satisfaction surveys as a tool to collect data to make system changes
- Using Data & Satisfaction Surveys to Solicit the Voice of the Customer in Menu Planning Slides
- Association Between Dietary Protein Intake and Changes in Health-related Quality of Life in Older Adults
- Protein Consumption and the Elderly: What is the Optimal Level of Intake?
- Nutrition Needs for Older Adults: Protein
- Protein and Muscle Function in Older Adults
- Placing the 'Value' in Evaluation: Practical Tips for Measuring Impact (YouTube)— Webinar discussing why evaluation is important, how it can be used to prioritize limited resources, and how to use malnutrition and
food insecurity screening tools to do so
- Evaluation of Title VI Programs — ACL evaluation of Title VI Native Elders program
- Evaluation of the Effect of Title III-C Nutrition Services on Participants’ Longer-Term Health Care Utilization (2020) — Study on the effect of meal programs
- Evaluation of the Effect of the OAA Title III-C Nutrition Services Program on Participants’ Health Care Utilization (2018) — Study on the effect of meal programs
- Needs of and Service Use Among Participants in the OAA Title III-C Nutrition Services Program — Evaluation of participants’ level of need, characteristics, patterns of participation, and use of other programs
- Evaluation of the Effect of the OAA Title III-C Nutrition Services Program on Participants’ Food Security, Socialization, and Diet Quality — Evaluation of program effectiveness on a variety of outcomes
- Process Evaluation of OAA Title III-C Nutrition Services Program — Evaluation of program structure, administration, coordination, costs, and effectiveness of client outcomes
- OAA Nutrition Programs Evaluation: Meal Cost Analysis — Analysis of average home-delivered and congregate meal costs and how they vary
- Technical Assistance and Training Needs Assessment Evaluation Presentation — September 2020 assessment of the nutrition and aging network