Data and Reports
Data from ACL and other sources about senior nutrition programs, older adults, health rankings, food systems, and veterans.
Quick Guides
- Data Collection & Analysis 101 — Guide explaining data collection & analysis and their importance for
nutrition programs
ACL Briefs
- Adverse Health Events Preceding Entry to Home-Delivered Meal Program — Adverse health events and their relationship to entry into a nutrition services program
- Diagnoses Underlying Adverse Health Events — Findings related to chronic disease diagnoses and underlying health events among congregate meal participants and nonparticipants
- Key Food Sources of Sodium, Saturated Fat, Empty Calories, and Refined Grains — Identifies key food sources of these components in the diets of congregate and home-delivered meal participants
- Nutritional Quality of Congregate and Home-Delivered Meals — Healthy Eating Index assesses how well congregate and home-delivered meals meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- Prevalence of Chronic Conditions among Congregate Meal Participants — Assessment of different types of chronic conditions that congregate meal participants face by income, living arrangement, and geography
- Program Entrance and Retention in OAA Title III-C Nutrition Services Programs — Analysis of how to best target and retain participants who benefit from congregate and home-delivered meal programs
- Social Activities at Congregate Meal Sites and Their Role in Improving Socialization — Examines which types of meal sites provide social activities and the impact of those activities
- Types of Foods Older Adults Consumed from Program Meals and Over 24 Hours — Differences between congregate meal participants and nonparticipants in the type of foods consumed over 24 hours
- Understanding Participants’ Monetary Contributions — Examines the practice of local service providers encouraging participants to make contributions
Other Briefs
- Building a More Sustainable, Resilient, Equitable, and Nourishing Food System— Brief from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
- Community Preventative Services Task Force Congregate and Home-delivered Meal Findings and Recommendations— Looks at the effectiveness of home-delivered and congregate meals in reducing malnutrition, improving health, and improving energy and protein intake.
- Planning for Changes in the Older Adult Population (YouTube)— Data and tools to plan for today's older adults
ACL Data and Reports
- National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP)— Information on the annual national surveys of recipients
- AGing, Independence, and Disability (AGID) Program Data Portal— Data and digital content from ACL and select data files from the U.S. Census Bureau
- Older Americans Act Allocation Tables — Federal grant fund amounts provided to each state through the NSIP, under Title III of the Older Americans Act – Grants for State and Community Programs on Aging
- Overview of Older Americans Act Title III Programs — 2020 summary of highlights, data, and accomplishments
- Profile of Older Americans — Annual summary of critical statistics related to the shifting demographics of the older population
Other Data and Reports
- 2021 Food and Health Survey— International Food Information Council (IFIC) survey of Americans’ perceptions, beliefs and behaviors around food and food purchasing decisions
- A Spotlight on Low-Income Older Adults— Analysis from IFIC Food and Health Survey
- An Examination of Veterans’ Diet Quality— USDA assessment of veterans’ diet quality
- Long-Term Services and Supports State Scorecard— Data from AARP and others, comparing long-term services and supports among states
- National Core Indicators – Aging and Disabilities— Advancing States initiative that assesses the performance of state long-term services and supports and delivery systems
- Nutrition Assistance Programs— US Government Accountability Office report on nutrition needs for older adults and recommendations for programs
- Older Americans Key Indicators of Well-Being— Report from the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics
- The State of Senior Hunger in America— Feeding America report documenting the prevalence of food insecurity among older adults
- Senior Report 2021— Actionable data and insights on the health needs of older Americans from America's Health Rankings
- Senior Food Insecurity Report, 2018— Missouri SUA report on impact of food insecurity on older adults, resources, and opportunities
- The Case for Meals on Wheels: An Evidence-Based Solution to Senior Hunger and Isolation— Review of 38 studies by Meals on Wheels America, available as a full report, research brief, and fact sheet
- Congressional District Health Dashboard— Interactive map from NYU Langone Health
- Healthy People 2030— Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion initiative that identifies public health priorities
- Hunger Among Older Adults— Collection of resources from FRAC