Targeting Strategies
Services funded by Title III of the Older Americans Act are intended to target adults 60 and older who are in greatest social and economic need, with particular attention to lower-income older adults, members of minority communities, those living in rural areas, people with limited English proficiency, and older adults at risk of institutional care. Learn about some of the ways to identify and reach these populations.
Quick Guides
- Effectively Connecting and Serving Diverse Older Adults — Tips and considerations when serving
a diverse group of older adults - Quick Guide to Title III and Title VI Nutrition Partnership — Guidance on ways to collaborate
to meet the goals of the OAA - Title VI Spending Quick Guide — Spending option information helpful to Title III programs that
also run or partner with Title VI programs - Tip Sheet: Engaging Veterans in Evidence-Based Programs— Outreach and partnership strategies from NCOA
- Delivering Telewellness Programs to Older Adults With Disabilities — TechSAge guidelines
for classes delivered via video conferencing - Dementia Training Resources for Professionals and Volunteers — ACL, NADRC, and RTI list for professionals, caregivers, and volunteers
- Aging with a History of Trauma— Strategies from The Jewish Federations to Provide Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Care to Older Adults and Family Caregivers
- Older Indians Title VI Gardens — Older Americans Act Title VI Gardens and Recipes website
- Title III and Title VI Programs Nutrition Collaboration — Partnership ideas and resources
- How to Provide Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Evidence-Based Programs for Chinese Americans— Article from NCOA exploring learnings and best practices for working with the Chinese-American community
Tools & Toolkits
- American Indian Traditional Foods in USDA School Meals Programs— Toolkit from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) Recipes— Links to recipes for foods provided by the FDPIR
- My Native Plate— IHS tool for selecting balanced meals
- Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH)— CDC program to reduce health disparities
- Traditional Unangax^ Foods Nutritional Labels (YouTube)— Short, animated videos from Aleutian Probilof Islands Association for nutrition facts on traditional foods
- USDA Indigenous Food Sovereignty Initiative— American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Indigenous food cooking videos, recipes, foraging videos, and more
- Diverse Senior Meal Sites in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Toolkit— Describes diverse meal sites and strategies used by the Massachusetts Elderly Nutrition Program to attract participants
- Find a Title VI Director— Older Indians webpage with list of regions, tribal leadership, and Title VI directors
- Native Food Directory— Older Indians directory that can be used for tailoring meals in a Title III site for a tribal population
- Nutrition and Aging Resource Center Recipe Collections on Pinterest
- Better Together How Your Title III Program Can Collaborate with Title VI— 60-minute panel discussion demonstrating how three states are successfully coordinating between Title III and Title VI
- Person-Centered Trauma-Informed Care for Senior Nutrition Programs (YouTube)— 75-minute session of the NCAPPS OAA Nutrition Services Learning Collaborative
- Planning for Changes in the Older Adult Population (YouTube)— 10-minute video on data and tools to plan for today's older adults
- Partnering With Senior Services To Reach Low-Vision Consumers— 45-minute webinar from the Older Individuals who are Blind - Technical Assistance Center (OIB-TAC)
- State-Level Senior Nutrition Program Equity Efforts (YouTube)— ACL webinar on participation shifts
- Racial Equity: Perspectives on Delivery of OAA Programs (YouTube playlist)— Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging
- Mobility Management Connections Mapping Universal Mobility Options to Better Food Access— National Center for Mobility Management webinar that focuses on mapping tools to improve transportation access to healthy food options
- Tips To Create a Welcoming Environment for Men— One-hour ACL and NCOA webinar in the Power Up Your Congregate Meal Program series (free registration required to view the video)
- Nutrition Over 50— Special report by IFICF and AARP on low-income older adults
- Service Equity in Older Americans Act Nutrition Programs — Approaches and opportunities to serve diverse populations
- Title III and Title VI Grantee Collaboration Study — Report on examples and best practices