When looking for funding for a transportation program, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is often the first stop, although other funding sources are available. FTA’s Section 5310: Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities provides formula funding to states to meet the transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities. Read more about Section 5310 and other federal programs related to accessibility through resources from the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center.
Browse resources on finding and applying for funding related to accessible transportation. Additionally, we will highlight current funding opportunities at the top of this page.
Current Funding Opportunities
Notice of Funding Opportunity: Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program
On December 19, USDOT’s Build America Bureau (Bureau) released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)for the Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program,created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The NOFO offers $27 million in technical assistance grants to rural and tribal communities for the planning and design phase development of transportation projects. There is no local funding match required to participate in this program. The Bureau designated up to $10 million for tribal applicants. The Bureau will accept applications on a first-come, first-served basis beginning March 4, 2025, at 2 p.m. ET.
MATI’s Round 2 Request for Proposals (RFP) Now Available
The Mobility, Access, and Transportation Insecurity programreleased its Round 2 RFPwith a focus on rural and small communities — submissions are due April 30, 2025, by 6 p.m. ET. The MATI program encourages applicants to create teams and submit proposals that may address transportation insecurity through a range of sectors and topical areas (e.g., health care, childcare, employment, housing, connecting peripheral or rural communities to services in urban areas, etc.).
Funding Resources
DOT Navigator
Resource to help communities understand how to apply for grants, get technical assistance, and understand new infrastructure-related laws
FTA Searchable Database of Grant Programs
Website includes links to searchable databases on FTA competitive and formula grants. FTA provides grants to local public transit systems, including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, trolleys and ferries.
Funding Topic Guide - from NRTAP
List of over 20 sites and resources to start your funding search; includes both federal and non-federal funding opportunities
CCAM Program Inventory (2019)
Inventory of 130 federal programs that provide funding for human services transportation for people with disabilities, older adults, and individuals with low incomes
CCAM Federal Fund Braiding Guide (2020)
Federal fund braiding for local match allows grant recipients to use funds from one federal program to meet the match requirements of another. The CCAM Federal Fund Braiding Guide provides information to potential grantees as well as CCAM agency program managers on acceptable federal fund braiding arrangements on transportation-related projects. The guide defines federal fund braiding for local match and examines whether federal fund braiding is allowable for 61 programs across CCAM agencies that may fund transportation.
Cost-Sharing and Cross-Partnership Funding Models
National Center for Mobility Management guide with information on federal fund braiding between two partner programs, case studies on cost sharing, and resources/references to help you find more information.
Federal Funding for Transportation Programs Serving Older Adults and People With Disabilities Guide
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center guide that provides an inventory of federal grants that may be used to serve the transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities.
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals With Disabilities Information
FTA website providing information about Section 5310 program. The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, a technical assistance center funded by FTA, has published a webpage with information about Section 5310 program.
FTA Section 5311 Formula Funds for Rural Transportation
FTA website providing information about Section 5311 program funding. The Formula Grants for Rural Areas program provides capital, planning, and operating assistance to states to support public transportation in rural areas with populations of less than 50,000, where many residents often rely on public transit to reach their destinations. The program also provides funding for state and national training and technical assistance through the Rural Transportation Assistance Program.
Using Non-DOT Funding as Local Match for FTA Sections 5307, 5310 and 5311
National Aging and Disability Transportation Resource Center blog about using non-Department of Transportation funding as local match.