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Partners for Accessible, Affordable Housing AND Supportive Services

About the partners

The Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC) was launched on Dec. 8, 2021 through a partnership between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to improve access to affordable, accessible housing and the critical services that make community living possible. Within HHS, this partnership is led by the Administration for Community Living and includes the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. Since then the partnership has grown to include the Administration for Children & Families, the Center for Disease Control, the Department of Agriculture Rural Development Agency, and the Health Resources and Services Administration. The Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy, the Department of Justice, the Department of Energy, and the Veterans Administration also participate in ongoing HSRC partner meetings. 

Facilitating coordination and collaboration 

Many people with disabilities, older adults, and people experiencing homelessness need help obtaining housing that is both affordable and accessible.  Many also need access to community-based supportive services — such as behavioral health services, personal care assistance, tenancy supports, accessible transportation, and home-delivered meals — in order to live successfully and stably in the community. Without housing and services that meet their needs, they often have no choice but to live in facilities like nursing homes and homeless shelters or on the streets. 

In every state and community, there are a number of entities and programs helping people access housing and supportive services, but the housing and service systems often are siloed. Stronger collaboration between these systems would enable states and communities to coordinate resources to help older adults, people with disabilities and people experiencing homelessness achieve housing stability, live with dignity and independence in the community, and avoid homelessness and costly institutional care.  

About the Housing and Services Resource Center

The Housing and Services Resource Center provides a federally coordinated national approach to providing resources, program guidance, training, and technical assistance to public housing authorities and housing providers; state Medicaid, disability, aging, and behavioral health agencies; the aging and disability networks; homeless services organizations and networks; health care systems and providers; and tribal organizations. The participating agencies coordinate a national training and technical assistance consortium to: 

  1. Align, coordinate and leverage training and technical resources across federal agencies.
  2. Develop and provide training and technical assistance on priority issues and address identified gaps.
  3. Develop, strengthen, and advance partnerships.
  4. The Housing and Services Resource Center also aims to facilitate state and local partnerships between housing and service systems and assist communities in leveraging all available housing and service resources. 

The Housing and Services Resource Center website brings together — for the first time — a wide variety of federal resources and guidance on both housing and services that support community living, including Medicaid-funded home and community-based services, behavioral health supports, vouchers, and other housing programs. The HSRC website also provides information about the organizations in the respective networks and examples of successful partnerships and strategies for more effectively and efficiently connecting people to affordable, accessible housing and the services provided in the home or community to support independent living. Through the Housing and Services Resource Center, Federal Partners offer webinars, develop and disseminate new technical assistance resources, and facilitate peer-to-peer learning.


Last modified on 03/21/2025

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