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Relevant Terms and Acronyms

Speaking the Same Language

Different sectors or fields (e.g., aging, disability, health, housing) often have unique buzzwords, key terms, and definitions that can make cross-sector partnership a challenge. Forming a strong partnership is easier when you know what unique language you use, understand your partners' background and language, and work to clarify differences during discussions. As a step toward understanding, here are some common acronyms in the aging, disability, health, and housing sectors.

Common Acronyms in Aging, Disability, and Health Services Sectors
Acronym or Abbreviation Full Name
AAA (Triple A) Area Agency on Aging
ACA Affordable Care Act
ACF Administration for Children and Families (agency within HHS)
ACL Administration for Community Living (agency within HHS)
ACO Accountable Care Organization
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
ADLs Activities of Daily Living
ADRC Aging and Disability Resource Center
AoA Administration on Aging
AoD Administration on Disabilities
APS Adult Protective Services
AT Assistive Technology
CCBHC Certified Community Behavioral Health Center
CCH Community Care Hub
CDBG Community Development Block Grant (HUD funding)
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (agency within HHS)
CHIP Children's Health Insurance Program
CHW Community Health Worker
CIL Center for Independent Living
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (agency within HHS)
DD Developmental Disabilities
DOL Department of Labor
DIAL Disability Information and Access Line
DORS Division of Rehabilitative Services
DV Domestic Violence
HCBS Home and Community-Based Services
HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
HIE Health Information Exchange
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration (agency within HHS)
HRSN Health-Related Social Needs
I&AR Information and Assistance Referral
IADLs Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
I/DD Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
IHS Indian Health Service (agency within HHS)
IL Independent Living
ILC Independent Living Center
ISP Individualized Service Plan
LTC Long-Term Care
LTSS Long-Term Services and Supports
MA Medicare Advantage
MCH Maternal and Child Health
MFP Money Follows the Person
NIA National Institute on Aging (institute within NIH)
NIDILRR National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
NIH National Institutes of Health (agency within HHS)
NIMH National Institute of Mental Health (institute within NIH)
NOFO Notice of Funding Opportunity
NWD No Wrong Door
OAA Older Americans Act
P&A Protection and Advocacy System
PSS Peer Support Specialist
Rehab Act Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
RSA Rehabilitation Services Administration (agency within U.S. Department of Education)
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (agency within HHS)
SDOH Social Determinants of Health or Social Drivers of Health
SED Serious Emotional Disturbance
SHIP State Health Insurance Assistance Program
SILC Statewide Independent Living Council
SMI Serious Mental Illness
SMP Senior Medicare Patrol
SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
SNP Special Needs Plan
SPIL State Plan for Independent Living
SS Supportive Services
SSA U.S. Social Security Administration
SSBG Social Services Block Grant
SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SUA State Unit on Aging
SUD Substance Use Disorder
TAY Transition Age Youth
UCEDD University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service
VAWA Violence Against Women Act
VI-SPDAT Vulnerability Index-Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool
VR State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
Acronym Full Name
AFFH Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
AHAR Annual Homeless Assessment Report
AHTF Affordable Housing Trust Fund
AL Assisted Living
AMI Area Median Income
CDBG Community Development Block Grant
CDC Community Development Corporation
CDFI Community Development Financial Institutions
CES Coordinated Entry System
CHDO Community Housing Development Organization
CoC Continuum of Care
CPD Community Planning and Development (office within HUD)
CRA Community Reinvestment Act
EHV Emergency Housing Voucher
ES Emergency Shelter
ESG Emergency Solutions Grants
FHA Fair Housing Act of 1968
FHAA Fair Housing Act Amendments of 1988
FHAP Fair Housing Assistance Program
FHEO Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity
FHIP Fair Housing Initiatives Program
FMR Fair Market Rent
FSS Family Self-Sufficiency Program
HCV Housing Choice Voucher
HFA Housing Finance Agency
HIC Housing Inventory Count
HMIS Homeless Management Information System
HOME HOME Investment Partnership Program
HOPWA Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
HRP Housing-Related Provider
HUD U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
LIHTC Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
MAGI Modified Adjusted Gross Income
PBRA Project-Based Rental Assistance
PBSC Place-Based Service Coordination
PEH People Experiencing Homelessness
PHA Public Housing Agency or Public Housing Authority
PIT Count Point in Time Count
PRA Project Rental Assistance (model used in HUD's 811 program)
PSH Permanent Supportive Housing
RH Recovery Housing
ROSS Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency Program
RRH Rapid Re-Housing
SNAPS Special Needs Assistance Programs (office within HUD)
Section 8 HUD Section 8 Program
Section 202 HUD 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program
Section 811 HUD 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program
SRO Single Room Occupancy
TBRA Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
TH Transitional Housing
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
VASH Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing















































































































































Last modified on 03/21/2025

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