Use existing training and education to enhance professionals’ skills and knowledge to implement new or expanded housing and services models.
- Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator Shared Learning Tracks: sessions (videos) on a range of topics, including payment models, cross-sector data exchanges, and braiding funding
- Affordable Housing for Older Adult and People with Disabilities: online training with an overview of the type of affordable housing that are available to older adults and people with disabilities (find course under Community Integration)
- Best Practices for Addressing and Managing Alcohol Use Disorder in People Experiencing Homelessness: In August 2024, Providers Clinical Support System hosted a webinar aimed at healthcare providers to better understand how social determinants of health, including as poverty, unstable housing, and limited access to care, influence alcohol use and AUD in this demographic.
- Building HOME Online Training: 12 self-paced training modules on HUD's HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
- Demonstrating the Impact of Supportive Housing: recorded Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program webinar on evaluation to measure the impact of supportive housing on homelessness and health care utilization
- Effective Service Coordination: Engaging Consumers with a Holistic Approach to Independent Living Services: on-demand training for service coordination, including best practices, innovative approaches, and proven methods
- Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Office Hours: recorded office hours to support successful EHV utilization
- Emergency Rental Assistance Program: Tools to Assist the People You Serve: recorded webinar and related materials for professionals that features tools and information to help people assist consumers with the Emergency Rental Assistance Program
- Eviction Prevention: Strategies for Supporting Individuals with Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders: webinar covered topics include upstream eviction prevention strategies, housing support services, landlord partnerships, rent payment tools, behavioral health strategies, legal tools, and service coordination
- How CILs Can Transform the Housing Landscape: on-demand training on solutions to expand accessible, affordable, integrated housing in communities for people with disabilities
- HOME Investment Partnership American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP) Notice Review Webinar Series: recorded webinars about HOME-ARP funding to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability across the country
- Homeless and Housing Resource Center (HHRC) New Staff Orientation Guide: list with HHRC tools that offer valuable primers for new health and housing professionals in their first three months
- HUD Homeless Assistance Programs and Permanent Supportive Housing: The webinar covers: The basics of HUD’s homeless assistance programs; How aging advocates can refer clients for assistance and participate in improving their community’s homeless response system; and The importance of permanent supportive housing for older adults and people with disabilities at risk of or experiencing homelessness. View the webinar slides and chapter summary
- Identifying and Building Partnerships with Your Local Housing Sector: three interactive virtual workshops about affordable housing basics and key organizations
- Introduction to Housing Models, Housing Navigation, & Engagement: interactive, multi-module online training with foundational information about housing models, engagement, and navigation strategies that support individuals who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness who have serious metal illness, serious emotional disturbance, substance use disorders, and/or co-occurring disorders
- Landlord Incentives Webinar: recorded HUD webinar discussing landlord incentives and how to use them in a competitive housing market
- Pairing HUD and HHS Resources to Address Homelessness Webinar Series: webinar series with information on partnership opportunities and approaches to pairing HHS agency resources with HUD housing assistance for people experiencing homelessness, including the 70,000 Emergency Housing Vouchers
- Practitioner Training: website with tools, training, and technical assistance to practitioners in the fields of mental health and substance use disorders
- Supporting Households through the Housing Search Process: training that features housing search models, barriers, and promising practices for finding units, securing leases, and more
- Supporting Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness: online course that introduces learners to the unique challenges faced by older adults experiencing homelessness, with a focus on individuals with substance use disorders or serious mental illness
- System-Level Approaches to Landlord Engagement Webinar: recorded HUD webinar to encourage landlord engagement to pool resources and capacity
- Training on Homelessness for Public Health Providers: training course designed for anyone serving people who are experiencing homelessness to build knowledge and skills related to public health protections and response to public health emergencies among people experiencing homelessness