Safe and stable homes are fundamental to the well-being of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians and the resiliency of their communities and cultures. Yet, systemic barriers underlie housing disparities, which include high rates of homelessness, housing instability, and inadequate or unsafe housing among Native peoples. People with disabilities and older adults, including individuals experiencing homelessness, often have the greatest need for accessible, affordable housing and voluntary community services.
Partnerships between tribal housing authorities, housing programs, homeless service systems, and Older Americans Act Title VI Native American Aging Programs (Title VI programs) are finding ways to provide culturally relevant housing options that are affordable and accessible and provide links to services.
- Solutions for Accessible, Affordable Housing and Access to Supportive Services
The links below provide information about partnerships to link housing and services and guidance on accessible and fair housing. You can use this information to identify opportunities to collaborate with other sectors to help people stay in or return to housing in the community.
- Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Resources for Tribal Communities— Collection of resources supporting tribes and tribally Designated entities (TDHEs) considering participation in the CoC Program, which promotes a community-wide commitment to prevent and end homelessness through funding housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness
- Models and Partnerships — Housing and Services Resource Center’s page for housing partnerships of any type serving people with disabilities or older adults
- New Actions To Support Indian Country and Native Communities Ahead of the Administration’s Second Tribal Nations Summit— White House fact sheet from the Biden-Harris administration that details housing updates such as new regulations, increased housing for skilled workers, and the Native American Veteran Homelessness Initiative to help increase home ownership on trust land, bring skilled workers to tribal communities, strengthen intake and referral services for Native veterans, and more
- Reinstatement and Revision of Accessibility Requirements for Native American Programs— Notice providing guidance for tribes and TDHEs on regulations regarding accessibility and nondiscrimination in HUD funded Indian housing programs
- Core Knowledge
The links below can build core knowledge about the unique needs of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian people who have disabilities, are older, or are experiencing homelessness, as well as programs available to help address them.
- Emergency Rental Assistance Among Indigenous Tribes: Findings From Tribal Grantees— Report with key characteristics and challenges of — as well as lessons learned from — emergency rental assistance programs administered by indigenous tribes or TDHEs
- Evaluation of the ACL Title VI Program Year 3 Interim Report — ACL report with results from the evaluation of the ACL Title VI programs that seeks to understand the impact of the Title VI Programs on stakeholders, including elder program participants, caregivers of elders, and program staff
- Housing Needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives in Tribal Areas— Report on housing conditions and needs for American Indian and Alaska Natives, including older adults and people with disabilities, and a summary of key policies and programs
- Independent Living Programs — Presentation slides about partnerships between Title VI programs and centers for independent living to help meet the housing and service needs of AI/ANs with disabilities
- National Resource Center on Native American Aging— Resource center with data, tools, programs and services on evolving native elder health and social issues
- National Title VI Program Survey Report— Report, data, brief and fast facts with results from the "National Survey of Title VI Programs" in 2020
- National Tribal Behavioral Health Agenda— Report with the American Indian and Alaska Native Culture Wisdom Declaration
- Native American Housing Assistance Self-Determination Act— Website about this law and related amendments that authorize the Indian Housing Block Grant, Title VI Loan Guarantee, and Title VIII-Housing Assistance for Native Hawaiians
- Reservation Profiles— Website with key demographic and economic indicators for American Indian reservations (with at least 2,500 residents)
- Services for Native Americans (OAA Title VI) — Overview of the Title VI Program grants for nutrition, supportive services for older adults, and caregiver services
- SSI/SDI Outreach, Access, Recovery (SOAR) TA Center for Native Communities— Website with SOAR tools and resources to help American Indian and Alaska Native communities establish and grow their SOAR initiatives
- Tribal HUD-VASH Program— Information about this program that provides housing and supportive serves to Native American veterans who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness by combining rental assistance, case management, and clinical services
- Understanding Disabilities in American Indian & Alaska Native Communities Toolkit Guide— Toolkit about the needs of American Indian and Alaska Native persons living with disabilities that includes information about disabilities, tribes, and resources
- Welcome to Older Indians — Gateway website with information, resources, and tools to support Title VI programs
- Tools and Resources for Tribal Housing Partnerships
Develop and implement your partnership’s strategy with help from these tools, training resources, and potential funding sources.
- CMS Money Follows the Person Tribal Initiative Grant— Website about a special initiative that helps tribes in five states more easily provide home- and community-based services and move members from facilities back to their communities
- Housing Improvement Program— Home repair, renovation, replacement. and new housing grant program
- Indian Community Development Block Grant Program— Direct grants from the HUD for use in developing viable Indian and Alaska Native Communities, primarily for low- and moderate-income persons
- Indian Housing Block Grant Competitive Grant Program— Program that allows eligible Indian tribes and TDHEs to receive grants to carry out a range of affordable housing activities
- Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Compass— Website for community members, tribal leaders, and others to learn about LTSS, find LTSS services and Tribal Leader resources, and learn about policies and community resources
- Resources for Tribal Housing and Tribally Designated Housing Entities— Website with an introduction to six federal programs administered by the HUD Office of Native American Programs
- Training, Funding, and Housing and Community Development— Training, tools, and information about funding and programs for tribal governments, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, other Native American organizations, tribal members, and Native Hawaiians
- Tribal Leaders Handbook on Homeownership— Handbook with information about new mortgage programs (government and private), new kinds of lenders (loan funds, Native CDFIs), and new energies that are transforming Indian housing
- USDA Resource Guide for American Indians and Alaska Natives 2022— List of U.S. Department of Agriculture programs and services, including housing