Cross-sector partnerships are vital to meeting the need for increased affordable and accessible housing, access to voluntary community services, ending homelessness, and assisting with transitions out of institutions. Local and state governments, housing authorities, community-based organizations, health systems, and private organizations are increasingly working with the disability and aging networks to enhance housing options. Using cross-sector partnerships to address housing as a social determinant of health can drive innovation, leverage multiple funding streams, and advance equity.
Replicate or adapt these models from disability, aging, health, and housing partnerships to improve options for community living.
- AAAs Support Housing Stability and Prevent Homelessness of Older Adults— Set of five homelessness prevention case examples featuring area agency on aging (AAA) programs and partnerships to provide homelessness prevention assistance and housing-related supports for older adults and people with disabilities
- AgeSpan and Partners Bring Housing and Services Together — Case study on resident service coordination to support housing stability through a partnership between an area agency on aging and state public housing via the Massachusetts Supportive Housing Program
- Bay Aging Partnerships Bring Help and Hope to People Experiencing Homelessness — Case study on leveraging resources from multiple sources to address homelessness through an area agency on aging’s multiple partnerships and convening role that supports community-wide coordination and alignment of efforts
- Choice Matters: Housing Models that May Promote Recovery for Individuals and Families Facing Opioid Use Disorder— Brief on developing programs that support both housing and opioid disorder-related needs
- Community Care Hubs: A Promising Model for Health and Social Care Coordination— Report on existing community care hubs that contract with health care entities to provide services to address social needs related to health outcomes
- Expanding Access to and Use of Behavioral Health Services for People At Risk for or Experiencing Homelessness— Guide that details five programs and practices that have demonstrated success in improving mental health and substance use outcomes during the period of homelessness prior to housing placement and includes strategies for implementation
- Forming Strategic Partnerships Between Housing, Medicaid Home and Community Based Services Payers, and Community-Based Services— Recorded webinar on cross-sector partnerships to improve housing for people with disabilities and older adults
- Home Hazard Removal Program— Overview of the Home Hazard Removal Program from the Older Americans Act Title III-D evidence-based program pre-approved list
- Integrated Wellness in Supportive Housing Model— Overview and evaluation reports for a demonstration program that embeds service coordination and wellness support in HUD-assisted housing
- Mainstream Voucher Spotlights— Case studies of public housing authorities that leveraged partnership and used other effective strategies to assist individuals with disabilities who were experiencing homelessness
- Older Adults and Homelessness: How Continuums of Care and Area Agencies on Aging Can Collaborate — Read the latest USICH blog penned by Sandy Markwood from USAging, which has real-world examples of how local area agencies on aging and Continuums of Care have worked to address the growing concern of older adults experiencing homelessness in their communities. Read the blog.
- Rapid Rehousing (RRH) Roundtable Discussion Series— Recorded webinars on innovative RRH services and programs as well as best practices within communities
- Support And Services at Home (SASH) Evaluation: SASH Evaluation Findings, 2010-2016— Evaluation report for SASH, a promising site-based approach that provides supportive services and care coordination to older adults and individuals with disabilities, in affordable housing properties
- Taking Integrated Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) to Scale: The Louisiana PSH Program— Brief on Louisiana's large scale, cross-disability, integrated permanent supportive housing initiative that braided in Medicaid funding
HSRC-Featured Cross-Sector Partnerships
Use these two-page snapshots to learn about various aging, disability, health, and housing partnerships featured by the Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC) in events.
- Affordable, Accessible Housing Options for Older Adults — Snapshot of an aging and housing partnership in Pennsylvania
- Building and Sustaining Responsive Housing-Services Partnerships for Housing Stability — Snapshot of housing, aging, disability, health, and Money Follows the Person Program partnerships in North Dakota
- Community Inclusion as a Goal in Transitions out of Institutions — Snapshot of disability, health and housing partnerships in North Carolina
- FREED: Using Best Practices to Increase Accessibility for Housing Stability — Disability and aging network partnerships for assistive technology, home modifications, and repair in California
- Housing Accessibility and Safety Support for Aging in Place — Snapshot of aging and community housing nonprofit partnerships in Georgia
- Mountain Line and Flagstaff Shelter Services Partnership — Snapshot of a transportation and homeless services partnership in Arizona
- Reducing Homelessness With Affordable, Accessible Housing for People With Disabilities — Snapshot of assistive technology, disability, and homeless services systems partnerships in New York
Use these tools, guides, and other resources that help organizations form and grow housing and voluntary services partnerships across sectors.
- Affordable Housing and Support Services Demonstration (AHSSD)— Learn about and access technical assistance resources for the nine AHSSD demonstration grants to enhance wraparound supportive services
- From Idea to Action: Building the Team for Housing and Health Collaborations— Technical assistance guide to starting a housing and health collaboration with partners at a state or local level
- Making It Real, Keeping It Real: Implementing Housing and Health Collaborations— Companion guide with more in-depth information on key issues and decisions
- Growing Assistive Technology Awareness Through State Programs, Partnerships, and Innovation— Report with case studies of and promising practices for partnerships that increase awareness and adoption of assistive technology
- Health and Housing: Introduction to Cross-Sector Collaboration— Background on the health and housing sectors and current opportunities for cross-sector collaboration
- Improving Health and Well-Being Through Community Care Hubs (CCHs)— Article that details CCH roles and functions to foster cross-sector partnerships, provides examples, and presents policy opportunities
- State and Territory Assistive Technology Program Partnerships— Overview of partnerships to increase access to assistive technology during the COVID-19 pandemic