Inform your partnership’s planning by learning more about your community through these and other local data sources. Although some sources do not provide disability or age-specific data, partnerships may still find the data useful for planning and advocacy.
- Accessibility in Housing: Findings From the 2019 American Housing Survey — Findings from questions in the 2019 American Housing Survey to gauge the level of accessibility in the U.S. housing stock
- Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Data and Mapping Tool— Interactive tool with federal data that can be used to support fair housing planning and to assess and analyze fair housing issues in jurisdictions
- AGing, Independence, and Disability (AGID) Program Data Portal — Interactive portal ACL-related data files and surveys with population characteristics from the Census Bureau for comparison purposes
- Aging Stats— Portal with information and publications on the aging population
- Aging-Ready Homes in the United States — Perception Versus Reality of Aging-Accessibility Needs— 2019 Census report finding that about four million U.S. households with an adult age 65 or older had difficulty living in or using some features of their home
- Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Aging Data Portal— Data on indicators of health and well-being for older adults, including caregiving, screenings and vaccinations, and mental health
- American Housing Survey— Online tool with Census data on housing and related publications
- Annual Homeless Assessment Report— Reports that provide counts for sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons by household type and subpopulation, available at the national and state level, and for each Continuum of Care
- Continuum of Care (CoC) Dashboard Reports— Reports showing claimed geography and geographic coverage changes for the previous two program years, each CoC’s awards by award amount, program type, and renewal type, and summary Point In Time and Housing Inventory Count data
- Disability— Census data and reports on people of all ages with disabilities
- Fair Housing Trends Report— Report that details incidents of illegal housing discrimination that occurred in 2021, including comprehensive fair housing complaint data and a sample of important outcomes for housing/lending discrimination cases in 2021 and early 2022
- Homelessness Data— Collection of data, tools, reports, reporting guidance, fair market rents, and income limits for homelessness providers and other stakeholders
- Housing— Website to all Census sources of data and publications on housing affordability, housing patterns, housing vacancies, new housing (construction), rental housing, and residential financing
- HUD Housing Choice Vouchers Dashboard— Housing Choice Voucher information including Mainstream Vouchers and vouchers for Family Unification (FUP) and Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) programs
- Medicare Advantage Coverage Among Individuals Receiving Federal Housing Assistance— Report and infographic with analyses intended to better understand Medicare Advantage enrollment among individuals receiving HUD housing assistance
- National Health Center Program Uniform Data System Awardee Data— Tool providing national Health Center Program awardee aggregated data on patient characteristics, services provided clinical processes and health outcomes, patients' use of services, staffing, costs, and revenues over the last five years
- Older Population and Aging— Census information and statistics on population aging and the older population
- Residential Information Systems Project— Analyses of longitudinal data on Medicaid-funded residential and in-home supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
- SAMHSA DataTools— Online resource from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to explore substance use and mental health data
- Trends in the Use of Residential Settings Among Older Adults— Brief with data on the estimated change in the size of the residential care population and characteristics of older adults within different settings
- Worst Case Housing Needs — Biennial report with national data and analysis of critical housing problems facing very low-income renting families; provides data on housing disparities by race and ethnicity, disability status, and age
Data and Reports
Last modified on 01/09/2025