Design and implement your partnership’s strategies with help from these toolkits and tools.
- Affordable Housing How-To Guide— Guide for using State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) to invest in affordable housing development
- Assistive Technology (AT) Toolkit— Online tool that organizes AT considerations and resources
- Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide for People at Risk of Eviction— Interactive online tool to help people needing emergency rental assistance or information on eviction moratoriums, legal and housing aid, economic impact payments, and more
- Creating Permanent Supportive Housing To Meet the Needs of Survivors of Domestic Violence— A best practice toolkit for low-income housing developers, architects, property managers, and housing service providers, includes recommendations for involving survivors in the development of trauma-informed PSH programs
- Cross-Sector Partnerships Roadmap – Part I — High-level, step-by-step guide to creating cross-sector aging, disability, health, and housing solutions for individuals and families that need both housing and supportive services
- Dimensions of Quality Supportive Housing Guidebook— Guidebook for the housing sector on creating and operating high-quality, effective, and sustainable supportive housing units
- Eviction Prevention: A Toolkit for Tenants and Service Providers— Provides essential information to support stable tenancies and avoid the trauma of housing eviction
- Get Started on Your Multifamily Affordable Housing Preservation Strategy— Guidebook for property owners to develop a strategy and partnerships that preserve critically needed multifamily affordable housing assets
- Guide to Resource Mapping and Assessing Community Needs— HHRC fact sheet outlining resource mapping and assessing community needs; includes definition of key terms, identifying collaborative partners, and tips to engage area partners
- Help for Homeowners and Renters During the Coronavirus National Crisis— Online tool to access information on mortgage and rental relief and legal rights
- Home Modification Information Network— Online directory of each state’s home modification policies, funding sources, and programs
- Home Modification Toolkit— Toolkit designed to provide professionals with tools to enhance home modification availability and awareness for older adults and persons with disabilities to promote aging in place
- Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Landlord Resources— Tools, information, and other technical assistance resources to support landlord participation in HCVs
- HSPA Data Goal and Planning Worksheet - Worksheet to develop a high-level outline for a data strategy
- Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing: A Primer— Guidebook with strategies and funding to increase a community’s supply of new affordable housing
- Medicaid Innovator Accelerator Program State Medicaid-Housing Agency Partnership Toolkit— Toolkit for states on systems-level changes that further community integration especially for health care and housing
- Pathways to Partnerships for Housing Stability — Tips for aging, disability, and health professionals on potential partners that support housing stability along with links to find state/local organizations and ideas for initial communications
- Partnership Assessment – Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator Cross Sector Assessment used in the application process for the 2025 cohort
- Person-Centered Practices Self-Assessment — Tool for human service agencies to measure their program in developing more person-centered systems for long-term services and supports, including home and community-based services
- Planning for Sustainability— Brief that helps professionals plan for the future sustainability of a grant-funded project
- Public Health and Homelessness Toolkit for State and Local Health Departments— Toolkit to assist health departments and other public health organizations in supporting public health for people experiencing homelessness
- Rental Assistance Finder— Online tool with information and links to help tenants and landlords take advantage of emergency rental assistance
- Service Coordination Partnerships Toolkit— Initial offerings from this new HSRC toolkit for community and state leaders on forming cross-sector partnerships to expand access to service coordination
- State Strategies To Leverage Medicaid Managed Care Contracting for Investments in Health and Housing Alignment Report— This HRSA-funded toolkit provides examples of state Medicaid programs' innovative strategies with managed care contracts and policies to deliver housing supports and services.
- Thinking about Starting a Supportive Housing Program?— Toolkit with recommendations and considerations for housing service providers that may develop supportive housing programs specifically for people who use drugs
- Tribal Housing — Housing and Services Resource Center’s webpage with tools and resources for tribal housing
Last modified on 03/21/2025