Federal nondiscrimination laws ensure equal access to housing for people with disabilities. These protections apply in most private housing, state and local government housing, public housing, and any other federally assisted housing programs and activities. The following links will provide information on fair housing laws to expand your core knowledge and provide resources to assist individuals who believe they are being discriminated against find the appropriate avenues to enforcement of their fair housing rights.
Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Information from HUD on fair housing disability-related topics including a disability overview and information on assistance animals, section 504, physical accessibility, reasonable modifications and accommodations, effective communication and integrated, community-based settings.
- Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing— Website on the Fair Housing Act that requires HUD and its recipients of federal financial assistance to do more than simply not discriminate; Title III of the Fair Housing Act requires them to "affirmatively further fair housing" — they must take meaningful actions to overcome patterns of segregation and foster inclusive communities
- Restoring Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Definitions and Certifications— Interim final rule that restores key definitions and certifications from the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Definitions and Certifications Rule to its regulations implementing the Fair Housing Act.
- Engaging the Disability Community in Fair Housing Planning— This two-part webinar series includes the history of the Fair Housing Act and context for the requirement to affirmatively further fair housing; best practices for fair housing planning that consider the needs of individuals with disabilities; an overview of effective community participation that involves individuals with disabilities and their stakeholders; principles of community engagement with the disability community best practices for community engagement throughout the fair housing planning process; and engaging stakeholders in fair housing planning.
- Fair Housing Planning Consideration for Individuals with Disabilities: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing — Fact sheet from ACL and HUD that provides information and tips on involving people with disabilities and disability stakeholders in fair housing planning
- Fair Housing Information for Individuals With Disabilities— Basic information about protections for individuals with disabilities under fair housing laws
- Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST— Website about the Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST program, an initiative to promote compliance with the Fair Housing Act design and construction requirements for housing accessible to individuals with disabilities
- Joint Statement of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Justice on Reasonable Modifications Under the Fair Housing Act— Guidance specifying the “reasonable modifications” private and public housing providers must provide to be in compliance with the Fair Housing Act’s mandate to ensure individuals with disabilities are given an equal opportunity to use and enjoy housing
- Joint Statement of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Justice on State and Local Land Use Laws and Practices and the Application of the Fair Housing Act— Guidance detailing states’ and localities’ legal obligation to comply with the Fair Housing Act by prohibiting land use and zoning laws, policies, and practices that discriminate based on disability and other characteristics protected under the Act
- Physical Accessibility— Overview of several federal laws that require private and federally assisted housing to be accessible to persons with disabilities, including the Fair Housing Act, Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Architectural Barriers Act
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Frequently Asked Questions— Questions and answers on requirements of Section 504 rights to persons with disabilities in HUD-funded programs and activities
- Fair Housing Initiatives Program— This program addresses fair housing inquiries, complaints, investigations, and education and outreach activities
- Lessons From the Ground: Best Practices in Fair Housing Planning— Toolkit offering guidance on developing a fair housing planning team, fostering collaboration, conducting community engagement, collecting and analyzing data, and setting smarter fair housing goals
- National Center on Law and Elder Rights: Housing Trainings and Resources— Trainings, resources, technical assistance, and capacity-building support on a variety of housing topics
- Tenants’ Rights, Access to Housing, and Eviction Defense
- Legal Basics: Subsidized Housing Rents: Income, Formula-Based, and Tax Credit Properties— Overview of the rules governing tenant rent contributions in the major federal programs
- Introduction to HUD-Subsidized Housing Programs— Hear from housing experts about HUD Housing Programs that are targeted to low- and moderate-income households, including older adults
- HUD-Subsidized Housing for Older Adults With Criminal Records— Webinar that discusses the importance of housing for older adults with a record and walks advocates through the rules regarding admission to HUD-subsidized housing for people with records, including protections under the federal Fair Housing Act
- Network Capacity Building & Intersection of Housing and HCBS
- Building Capacity and Partnerships To Address Housing Issues for Older Adults— Introduction to the basics of the housing services network and issues older adults face in housing
- Programs To Keep Older Adults Connected to Energy and Utility Services— Information on federal utility assistance programs for older adults who face challenges affording heating and weatherization of their homes
- Homeownership
- Assisting Older Homeowners After a Natural Disaster— Addresses the practical challenges and resources available to aid older homeowners after a disaster
- Preserving Homeownership Series— Three-part webinar series by NCLER called Preserving Homeownership. This series of trainings focused on legal solutions for stopping the loss of older homeowners’ ownership and equity in their homes
- Tenants’ Rights, Access to Housing, and Eviction Defense
- National Fair Housing Training Academy (NFHTA) Resource Library— Collections of resources that aim to assist those working to end housing discrimination in communities across the nation
- Reinstatement and Revision of Accessibility Requirements for Native American Program— Notice that provides guidance for tribes and tribally designated housing entities on regulations regarding accessibility and nondiscrimination in HUD-funded Indian housing programs
- Statement of the Department of Housing and Urban Development on the Role of Housing in Accomplishing the Goals of Olmstead— Guidance for HUD-assisted housing providers on ways to support state and local Olmstead efforts to increase integrated housing opportunities for individuals with disabilities who are transitioning from, or at serious risk of entering, institutions, hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, and other restrictive, segregated settings