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HSRC Webinar: HUD Mainstream Voucher Discussion

On September 16, 2024, the HSRC hosted a discussion on new Mainstream Voucher flexibilities following HUD’s announcement of changes to the program on August 20, 2024.

Mainstream Vouchers are HUD’s special purpose voucher program for people with disabilities and is one of the key federal housing programs that support community living and prevent and address homelessness for people with disabilities. HUD’s guidance released on August 20, 2024 outlines new policy changes and flexibilities for Mainstream Vouchers that will help strengthen partnerships between the public housing agencies (PHAs) that administer them and the set of agencies that both refer and provide supportive services to people with disabilities who are exiting institutional settings or transitioning from homelessness. Among other new flexibilities, the guidance enables PHAs to prioritize Mainstream Vouchers for people referred by state Medicaid agencies, centers for independent living, state protection and advocacy agencies, Continuums of Care, area agencies on aging, state No Wrong Door systems, and others. By leveraging the new flexibilities, these partnerships can facilitate faster transitions to stable housing from institutions or homelessness for people with disabilities, along with the improved coordination of housing assistance with supportive services provided through Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Services, 1115 Demonstrations, Money Follows the Person, and more.

Materials for the Discussion:

Last modified on 10/25/2024

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