Preparing Healthy Food
Small changes in ingredients, preparation, and serving methods can yield big results in the flavor, nutritional value, and quality of your meals. Find ideas and inspiration for creating healthy, appealing meals for older adults.
- Creating Delicious, Healthy, Appealing Meals for Seniors — Incorporating food and nutrition trends
- Making the Case for Gluten-Free Senior Meals — Information about celiac disease,
gluten free diets, and challenges for older adults - Operational Considerations for Providing Gluten-Free Meals — Identifying gluten-free foods, risk areas, how to prevent cross-contact, and more
- Better Baking Mix— Recipes from Washington State University Extension using whole grains and oil instead of solid fat
- ChopChop Family Publications— Learning to cook as a lifelong skill
- Cooking Fresh Vegetables— Recipes for roasted, stir-fried, and steamed veggies from Washington State University Extension
- Cooking with Rice— Recipes and basic information on rice from Washington State University Extension
- Delicious Heart Healthy Eating Resources from NIH
- Don’t Fry! Give Healthy Cooking Methods a Try— Information on alternative cooking methods from the American Heart Association
- Exploring Aquatic Foods— Information on nutrient rich ‘blue foods’ from Harvard School of Public Health
- Using Herbs and Spices — Matching flavors with foods
- Herbs and Spices— Resource from University of Delaware on which seasonings go with which foods
- Herb and Spice Pairing Chart— From Penn State Extension
- Ice Cube Tray Ideas— Tip sheet from GWaar on using your ice cube tray for food prep
- What About Sodium?— Fact sheet from GWaar
- Prepare Healthy Meals— Kitchen timesavers, organizing your kitchen, and more from MyPlate