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ACL Awards Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems (SCIMS) Grants

October 19, 2022

ACL's National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) is announcing four additional SCIMS Centers in FY 2022 to join the existing cohort of the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems (SCIMS) program grantees. The planned project period for these four grants is September 1, 2022 - August 31, 2026, with an estimated funding amount of $490,000 per year for each grantee. 

Advocacy efforts by a coalition of disability community organizations made these new awards possible.

The SCIMS program is the largest network of research centers devoted to SCI in the world. This network creates opportunities for critical collaboration between SCI clinicians and researchers from across the U.S. and allows investigators to generate sample sizes that are adequate for the development and testing of a wide variety of interventions. NIDILRR currently supports 18 SCIMS centers through this program.

Since its origin 51 years ago, the program has evolved into a national network of SCI clinical centers that collaborate on multi-site research efforts and longitudinally track the experiences and outcomes of people with spinal cord injury. The SCIMS centers have also collected and contributed information on common data elements for a centralized SCI database, referred to as the SCIMS database. This database provides invaluable information about the life course of people with spinal cord injury and about trends in their experiences and outcomes. Learn more about the SCIMS database.

SCIMS Grant Recipients:

  • Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Corporation, Charlestown, MA: New England Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care Center 
  • Regents of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Spinal Injury Model System 
  • Memorial Hermann Health System, Houston, TX: Texas Spinal Cord Injury Model System (SR-SCIMS) 
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL: Alabama Spinal Cord Injury Model System 

View more details about these projects. Contact Theresa SanAgustin at NIDILRR if you have questions about the SCIMS Program. 

To stay current on NIDILRR grant opportunities, please visit and search: NIDILRR or 93.433.

NIDILRR, part of ACL, generates new knowledge and promotes its effective use so that people with disabilities can perform activities of their choice in the community. NIDILRR also works to expand society’s capacity to provide full opportunities and accommodations for people with disabilities.

Last modified on 10/27/2022

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