ACL’s National Voluntary Consensus Guidelines for State APS Systems: Updates & Revisions
Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 3:00-4:00 PM ET
In 2016, ACL coordinated the development of the National Voluntary Consensus Guidelines for State APS Systems (Guidelines) to assist states in developing effective APS systems and to provide recommendations from the field. Development involved multiple steps, including a review of research on what works in APS agencies and similar systems as well as extensive stakeholder engagement. In the past year, ACL coordinated a similar process for updating the Guidelines with findings from new research and experiences from the field. This webinar will provide an overview of the update process and revisions made.
- Stephanie Whittier-Eliason, MSW, Aging Services Program Specialist Office of Elder Justice and APS, ACL
- Mary Twomey, MSW, Consultant on Elder Justice and APS
- Anne Leopold, MSc, Senior Project Manager, New Editions Consulting, Inc.
Tending to Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Teams
Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 3:00-4:00 PM ET
Creating and sustaining an elder abuse multidisciplinary team (MDT) is a complex task. Join this webinar to explore best practices in growing your MDT. The presenter will review what is known about successful MDTs from research and from practice as well as ways to overcome common challenges.
Talitha Guinn-Shaver, MDT Technical Advisor Elder Justice Initiative, U.S. Department of Justice