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Alzheimer's Disease Programs Initiative (ADPI) Dementia Capability in Indian Country 2020 Awards Announced

August 7, 2020

ACL is pleased to announce the 2020 awards for its Alzheimer's Disease Programs Initiative (ADPI) Dementia Capability in Indian Country. The 4 newly awarded, 3-year cooperative agreements are in support of tribal communities located in 4 states across the nation. The awards total $950,931.

As American Indians and Alaska Natives are living longer, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) are increasing in Indian Country. By 2060, the number of Tribal elders aged 65 and older living with dementia is projected to grow significantly.

ACL’s ADPI in Indian Country is dedicated to meeting this challenge through increasing dementia capability in tribal communities. The programs awarded funding are engaging in a range of activities designed to meet the needs of the communities and people they serve. Programs deliver culturally competent long-term services and supports to people living with ADRD, as well as paid and unpaid caregivers.

While each program is different, all include activities designed to support people with ADRD living in tribal communities and their caregivers. The dementia-capable systems resulting from activities under this program are expected to provide culturally competent, quality services and support to help people living with dementia and their caregivers remain independent and safe in their communities.

The successful 2020 ADPI Dementia Capability in Indian Country applicants are:

  • Absentee Shawnee Tribe Of Oklahoma (OK)
  • Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, Inc. (AK)
  • Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (WI)
  • Spirit Lake Tribe (ND)

All of the new grantees are required to dedicate a portion of their funds to direct services. By year 3, all grantees must dedicate 45% of grant funding toward direct service programming that includes, but is not limited to, delivery of home and community-based dementia specific evidence-based and evidence-informed interventions and dementia education and training programs. Grantees develop and deliver program activities with expectations for their sustainability beyond the life of the grant.

Learn more about ADPI and other related ACL initiatives

Last modified on 08/07/2020

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