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Countdown to World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2019

April 4, 2019


Every year on June 15, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is commemorated in America and around the world.

Through WEAAD, we raise awareness about the millions of older adults who experience elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. As many as 1 in 10 older Americans are abused or neglected each year and only 1 in 14 cases of elder abuse ever comes to the attention of authorities. Older Americans are vital, contributing members of our society and their abuse or neglect diminishes all of us. WEAAD reminds us that, as in a just society, all of us have a critical role to play to focus attention on elder justice.

The Administration for Community Living (ACL), along with our federal and aging partners, invites you to join us in Lifting up Voices for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2019, a theme that is centered on unifying the shared values of elder justice and responding to violence against women to bring to the forefront the lived experiences of older people around the globe. 

This year, we invite you to join us and other organizations and communities across the country in using the collection of special Lifting up Voices outreach and campaign tools (including an action guide with sample social media posts and graphics), incorporating the Lifting up Voices theme in your community.

ACL and our partners will commemorate WEAAD 2019 by hosting an Elder Justice Coordinating Council Meeting in June 2019, where we will Lift up Voices for elder justice. Please stay tuned as details are being finalized.

Use these resources to help promote WEAAD:

WEAAD Twitter graphic

Last modified on 05/27/2020

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