Wednesday, June 28, 2023 | 5:00-6:30 PM ET
Register for the listening session.
The Amputee Coalition is hosting a listening session for people affected by peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and other related diseases — such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, and cerebrovascular disease — that resulted in amputation. Attendees can share their experiences of pre- and post-amputation medical care from a holistic lens to improve patient care.
The goal of the listening session is to develop an understanding of:
- The quality of medical care holistically once diagnosed with PAD or a PAD-related condition.
- Barriers preventing and limiting access to care.
- Resources needed pre- and post-amputation.
- The quality of medical care holistically once a limb has been amputated.
There will be live captioning during the session. The session will be recorded and archived on the Amputee Coalition's Educational Webinars webpage.
For questions or to request accommodations, email Whitney Doyle or Dante Daniel.
The Amputee Coalition operates the ACL-funded National Limb Loss Resource Center, whose mission is to ensure the availability of, and access to, the most comprehensive, high-quality, evidence-based information, resources, and supports for people with limb loss and limb difference, their families, and their support networks.