The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is conducting a three-part evaluation of its Title III-C Nutrition Services Program (NSP), which promotes access to nutritious meals, facilitates social contact, supports family caregivers and helps older adults maintain dignity in their homes and communities.
The goal of the Title III-C NSP Outcome Evaluation was to describe various components of NSP participants' lives in more depth and determine the impact of NSP meals and related services on the participants' overall wellness. The evaluation compared outcomes for both NSP participants and nonparticipants.
Client Outcome Study: Part I, was released in July. Additional background materials are now available:
- Briefing handouts, and
- Responses to questions posed during the briefing for Part 1 of the client outcomes study.
The client outcome study (also known as part three of the evaluation for program effectiveness) is being released in two parts with part one describing nutrition services program (i.e., congregate meal and home-delivered meal) participants’ demographic and household characteristics, health status, mobility, eating behaviors, diet quality, food security, socialization, and other characteristics, as well as program participants’ experiences with and impressions of the program and their valuation of meals and supportive services received through the program.
Client Outcome Study: Part II (expected mid-2018) will include an examination of overall wellness as measured by longer-term outcomes related to health and avoidance of institutionalization.
Visit Nutrition Services for more information about this program and evaluation.