May 2016
The Administration for Community Living joins President Obama and Mental Health America (MHA) in recognizing Mental Health Month.
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Nearly 44 million American adults, and millions of children, experience mental health conditions each year, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress.
MHA’s theme for Mental Health Month 2016 is Life with a Mental Illness. Join MHA’s campaign and share what life with a mental illness feels like in words, pictures and video by tagging social media posts with #mentalillnessfeelslike. Posts will be collected and displayed at
Within the Administration for Community Living, the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) and the Administration on Aging provide resources and conduct research about mental health. Other government agencies such as the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provide helpful information as well. Explore the resources below!
Older Adults
The Gerontologist journal article: Mental Health Disorders Among an Invisible Minority: Depression and Dementia Among American Indian and Alaska Native Elders (PDF)
Young Adults
Tip sheets for young adults with mental health conditions (from University of Massachusetts Medical School) (PDF):
Do I Tell My Boss?: Disclosing My Mental Health Condition at Work
Making it Work: Vocational Peer Mentors for Emerging Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions
Tools for School: Accommodations for College Students with Mental Health Challenges
Becoming an Adult: Challenges for Those with Mental Health Conditions
People of All Ages
Health and wellness resources for individuals with mental health conditions and their service providers (from University of Illinois at Chicago Center for Health):
SAMHSA Publications and Resources on Mental and Substance Use Disorders