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FY 2015 Annual Public Report for Conferences

Office of Program Support

2015 National Disability Rights Network Protection and Advocacy (P&A)/Client Assistance Program (CAP) Annual Conference

Dates: 6/1–4/2015

Venue, City, State or Country: JW Marriott Hotel, Indianapolis, Indiana

How the Conference Advanced the Mission of the Agency: The Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) is dedicated to ensuring that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families are able to fully participate in and contribute to all aspects of community life in the United States and its territories.

Total Estimated Cost: $118,047

Total Attendees: 488

Total Feds on Travel: 8

Total Non-Feds on Travel: 288

2015 UCEDD Leadership Institute University Centers of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities

Dates: 6/12–17/2015

Venue, City, State or Country: Renaissance Hotel, Newark, DE

How the Conference Advanced the Mission of the Agency: University Center on Excellence in Developmental Disabilities(UCEDD) operate in  complex environment made up of institutions of higher education, community service and support organizations, state and regional governments and families and self-advocates.  Network discussions have raised concerns about the need for the next generation of UCEDD leaders.  The past five years have seen numerous UCEDD directors retire or leave their positions. AIDD has been working with Administration of University Centers on Developmental Disabilities (AUCD) and the National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities (NLCDD) to prepare the UCEDD network for this transition through a coordinated effort to develop the next generation of UCEDD leaders.  To support this effort, AUCD's technical assistance contract with AIDD includes funds for an annual leadership institute for UCEDD personnel.

Total Estimated Cost: $ 121,090

Total Attendees: 25

Total Feds on Travel: 0

Total Non-Feds on Travel: 25

Administration on Aging/Office of American Indian, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiian Programs

Title VI Grantee National Conference

Dates: 8/10–13/2015

Venue, City, State or Country: Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC

How the Conference Advanced the Mission of the Agency: The conference advanced ACL’s mission in two ways. First, Older Americans Act. Sec. 201 (c)(3)(H) compels the Director of the Office for American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Programs to “develop and provide technical assistance and training programs to grantees under Title VI.” The 2015 Title VI conference provides three days of training and technical assistance opportunities to Title VI grantees. Second, Older Americans Act Sec. 203A requires the Assistant Secretary for Aging to “consult and coordinate with recipients of grants under Title VI in the development of Federal goals, regulations, program instructions, and policies under this Act.” The 2015 Title VI conference featured a half-day tribal consultation session that fulfilled this component of the Older Americans Act.

Total Estimated Cost: $ 205,484.10

Total Attendees: 237

Total Feds on Travel: 8

Total Non-Feds on Travel: 21

Last modified on 05/15/2017

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