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State Grants to Enhance Adult Protective Services

To help address gaps and challenges in state adult protective services (APS) systems, ACL received an appropriation for demonstration grants to fund states so they can enhance APS systems statewide and include innovations and improvements in practice, services, data collection, and reporting.

Below are the grantees and a summary of the projects they propose to undertake.

FY2020 Grantees

Montana's APS program will improve data and information gathering processes, utilizing a tracking system to document and better understand opioid misuse by alleged victims and alleged perpetrators. Montana will partner with Purdue University, the University of Illinois-Chicago, and other key Montana stakeholders and will report opioid-related data to ACL's National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS).

Nevada's APS program will educate staff and the community on opioid misuse and available services, expand NAMRS data collection, and demonstrate APS outcome measures related to opioid misuse. The project will include developing a screening tool and improving the process of referring clients to opioid misuse services. Nevada APS will partner with the University of Nevada-Reno’s Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT) and key stakeholders.

FY2019 Grantees

The Alabama Department of Human Resources will enhance system documentation and data tracking to improve outcomes for APS clients. Alabama will implement a comprehensive dashboard system to provide quick ad hoc reports and improve statewide data quality.

The Alaska Division of Senior and Disability Services will work with the National Council on Crime and Delinquency to implement Structured Decision Making instruments through a web based data collection and storage system. Alaska will also train APS caseworkers to use these new assessment tools to support the system's work.

The Arizona Department of Economic Security will develop a program of enhanced investigator training to meet the challenges of recruitment and retention while providing clients with trained, culturally competent, and committed investigators.

The Illinois Department of Aging will enhance APS training and outreach to the public and professionals, with the goal of improving APS caseworker and supervisor response to an increase in reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation and improve relationships between APS, law enforcement, and other legal professionals.

The New Jersey Department of Human Services will design and build a database system that will meet the case management and programmatic needs of NJ APS. This will include development of a framework for statewide uniform NJ APS data collection practices and expansion of data elements to include all phases of APS involvement, alignment of data collection with NAMRS, and consolidation of the existing county based databases into a single cloud-based comprehensive information management system.

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services will partner with UT Health, the Tarrant Count DA, Harris County DA, Houston Senior Justice Assessment Center, TEAM Institute, and Eide Bailey LLP to improve investigations and client services by incorporating high quality forensic accounting into standard investigative systems and practices, including enhancing training for APS investigators on financial exploitation and developing financial exploitation investigation checklists and law enforcement reporting protocol.

The Utah State Office of Adult Protective Services will enhance services to vulnerable adults in Utah by improving system infrastructure and services aimed at financial exploitation. Their project will expand Utah’s reporting capabilities to NAMRS, improve the quality of data collection, improve tools for assessing capacity and protective need for victims of financial exploitation, and establish a multi-disciplinary team approach with community partners focusing on victims of financial exploitation.

The Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living will create, coordinate, and maintain a Restorative Justice Program to serve both victims and perpetrators of adult maltreatment. The restorative justice program will provide substantiated perpetrators additional options for restitution, rather than placement on the Vermont Adult Abuse Registry, with the goal of decreasing recidivism among offenders and reducing re-victimization rates.

The Washington Department of Social and Health Services, Aging and Long-Term Support Administration will expand and improve their APS system. Efforts will include developing a training curriculum for statewide use with a focus on self-neglect and financial exploitation, creating and validating risk and safety assessment decision tools, integrating a financial tool to assist in financial exploitation determinations. They will also expand outreach and collaborations with community partners, tribal government, and law enforcement through multi-disciplinary teams and Elder Justice Centers (enhanced multi-disciplinary teams).

The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources will develop, implement, and evaluate a new standardized determination tool for APS referrals; develop a new adult services monthly management report; develop training curriculum; and enhance community outreach.

FY2018 Grantees

Arizona will link data from APS, Aging and Disability Services, and local Area Agencies on Aging; utilize technology to enhance data collection and reporting; and use predictive analytics to improve planning and budgeting for service needs.

Arkansas’ project seeks to improve the experiences and outcomes of those served by APS by improving the state’s ability to document and report APS cases, clients, and offender characteristics and services in a manner that is consistent with NAMRS. They will also be supporting the education of APS staff, stakeholders, and the community.

California will implement an APS Leaders Institute to increase the capacity of APS managers to coordinate, plan, and implement APS system improvements. The project includes the development and evaluation of a stipend program for graduate social work education paired with a commitment to work in APS.

Idaho will be evaluating and deploying new resources including new screening and assessment tools, a case management and Goal Attainment Scaling intervention, and new methods to capture APS case, client, and perpetrator data.

Maine will implement and evaluate an evidence-based APS service-planning and intervention model that utilizes practices including motivational interviewing, supported decision making, teaming, restorative justice, and goal attainment scaling. They will also update their information systems in order to report complete case component data to NAMRS.

Massachusetts will use technology to create a common data reporting system that covers APS programs for adults of all ages. They will also partner with stakeholders to create an enhanced technology-based abuse education and reporting system called “Recognize, Report, Respond (R3)” for use by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Minnesota seeks to improve APS data quality, increase APS case-level reporting capacity, and promote consistency in adult protection assessment and screening response for vulnerable adults. The state will develop new quality assurance environments and implement customized reporting.

Montana's APS program will integrate the reporting of suspected abuse and exploitation into the licensing and certification process for facilities, standardize risk and safety assessments and data collection, implement new tools to track the outcomes of interventions, work with Montana Tribal entities to improve data reporting, and track cases involving illicit drugs, alcohol, and opioid abuse. 

Nevada will expand its Elder Protective Services program into a full APS program that serves adults with disabilities between the ages 18 and 59. They will use the grant to train APS staff, create program materials, and enhance NAMRS data collection and reporting capability.

Ohio seeks to improve APS efficiency and data quality, increase awareness of elder abuse within the community, and to improve community supports for elders in need of community services or being considered for guardianship. The project will result in products that include a mandatory reporter training and online referral system, public awareness materials and resource guides, and a strategic plan for local teams.

Oklahoma will develop an enhanced self-neglect practice that includes care planning, training, and service coordination. The project will also strengthen technology to improve NAMRS reporting and facilitate interviews and assessments with self-neglect clients, including Native Americans.

Pennsylvania will expand the multi-disciplinary team approach to support older adults experiencing self-neglect, identify and resolve service gaps for older adults in need of protective services, and improve the quality and quantity of data reported to NAMRS. The state will also educate older adults living in the community on how to identify and report abuse and maintain health and wellness.

Rhode Island will partner with the state's behavioral health agency to provide direct services to APS clients in need of highly targeted intervention and utilize statewide APS case management software and assistive technology to make field work more efficient. They will also increase internal training and host APS state conferences.

Virginia will provide improved integrated e-learning to new APS workers and supervisors and proactively review caseload trends and best practice. Virginia will also improve their data collection and increase NAMRS participation with agency, key indicator, and case component level data.

FY 2016 Grantees

Arizona is improving its central intake process, case planning, and information collection during investigations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation cases. Arizona is also developing safety and risk assessment tools.

California is developing methods for collecting key components data elements. California is evaluatin options and making recommendations for generating NAMRS case components.

Delaware Adult Protective Services, in collaboration with the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities, is enhancing its current data collection and tracking system.

Hawaii is designing a quality assurance case review tool to audit cases, collect input, and analyze state data that will be transmitted into the NAMRS system.

Idaho’s Commission on Aging seeks to improve the interactions and outcomes for individuals serviced by APS and align the state’s data elements with NAMRS.

Maryland is implementing a comprehensive APS assessment tool and developing a web-based case management information system.

Massachusetts is updating their APS training program and developing a comprehensive APS worker training core curriculum consistent with NAMRS requirements. The curriculum is focusing on utilizing a decisional capacity screening tool and conducting quality assurance on outcomes documentation.

Minnesota is enhancing its current data collection system to capture data on maltreatment risk. Minnesota is also developing effective evidence-based practices for remediating abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults.

Missouri’s Division of Senior and Disability Services (DSDS) is expanding and strengthening the delivery of services provided to vulnerable adults, utilizing new software to capture and improve investigation outcomes.

Montana Senior and Long Term Care Division SLTC, Adult Protective Services Bureau is replacing its current data collection system with NAMRS in order to assist the state in achieving measurable goals and improving data collection.

Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division, Elder Protective Services is enhancing their data management and tracking capabilities. Nevada is developing measures to more effectively track referrals and services.

Ohio is implementing a statewide database aligned with NAMRS requirements.

Tennessee’s Department of Human Services APS is enhancing its data collection system to develop a coordinated community response model among state agencies.

FY 2015 Grantees

Alabama enhanced state and local data collection and tracking consistent with NAMRS. The enhancements allow queries to identify trends.

Colorado focused resources on at-risk adults by enhancing the APS intake process and assessment tool. Specifically, Colorado expanded the use of its case management system.

The District of Columbia used logic models to increase APS’ reliability, validity, and equity. DC did relevant training to improve the database.

Illinois used an expanded and computerized assessment for APS and use information from this assessment to improve case plan development.

Iowa worked to improve the accuracy of data collection about dependent adults consistent with NAMRS, to improve staff members’ abilities to screen for risks and to assess safety, and to have agencies better collaborate. To achieve these goals, Iowa developed a web-based information system and an evidence-based, electronic assessment tool.

Massachusetts used a multidisciplinary approach—that includes learning from rape crisis centers—to expand access to services for adults with developmental disabilities who are victims of sexual assault.

New York has developed tools and templates for APS workers to better investigate, screen, and assess financial exploitation. One specific improvement is the use of a forensic accounting consultant.

Oklahoma collected more data about clients’ and perpetrators’ characteristics and collected and retained more information about APS’ effects on cases. These reforms are consistent with NAMRS and relevant to partners that service special populations, particularly tribal nations.

Pennsylvania —in collaboration with the Temple University Institute on Protective Services—introduced new tools and practices to improve the Older Adults Protective Services system’s recording, tracking, and communication.

Virginia developed and demonstrated a NAMRS-compliant case management system that is more efficient than the their previous system, that provides online access to qualified, community-based providers, and that uses a standard, electronic report and a standard investigation process.

Washington improved and expanded the APS Management Information System consistent with NAMRS. Specifically, APS developed and implemented a two-part, quality-assurance-and-review process for fatalities and near fatalities.

Last modified on 09/16/2020

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