Ohio Solutions for Affordable Housing and Services for Older Adults and People with Disabilities – Office Hours

January 10, 2022

In Ohio, the housing sector and aging and disability networks partnered to expand options for older adults and people with disabilities to live in their communities with access to supportive services they may need. These models of collaboration can be replicated in other states. How do the partnerships form and how did they help people have housing that is stable, safe, and supports community living?

Learn more from the Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC) office hours series on partnerships between community-based organizations and  their key housing partners. As “office hours,” these sessions had short presentations followed by longer periods of participants’ questions and discussions. 

How CBOs Can Sponsor, Develop, or Co-Develop Affordable Housing

This January 13, 2022, office hour featured methods that stakeholders from different sectors used to begin to develop partnerships to expand affordable housing and access to community-based supportive services. 

Service Coordination Models and Sustainability 

This January 25, 2022, office hour explored ways to provide service coordination in multifamily housing settings though housing and service network partnerships. It featured a strategy for braiding funding for sustainable service coordination and home and community-based services. 

Cross-Sector Partnerships to Expand Options for Affordable, Accessible Housing

This February 10, 2022, office hour discussed partnerships with health care entities and others formed by an Area Agency on Aging and a Center for Independent Living to address the need for accessible and affordable housing. The Area Agency on Aging and Center for Independent Living  also collaborated with each other and housing partners on a new joint housing locator.

Last modified on 03/30/2022

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