Every 14 seconds, an older adult is seen in an emergency department for a fall-related injury. Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries for people 65 and older, with an estimated 1 in 4 older adults reporting falling each year. Falls have serious impacts on health and can significantly reduce independence, confidence, connections to others, and well-being.
ACL’s Administration on Aging Falls Prevention program provides older adults (60+) and adults with disabilities access to local evidence-based programs that have been proven to reduce falls and the risk of falls. Since 2014, ACL has awarded over $53 million in grants through the Prevention and Public Health Fund. Awards to public and private nonprofits, state agencies, community-based organizations, universities, and tribal organizations help bring to scale and sustain programs to reduce falls, fear of falling, and fall-related injuries.
Many risk factors for falls, ranging from muscle weakness to improper footwear, can be changed to reduce this risk. ACL-funded programs help participants improve strength, balance, and mobility, and educate them on reducing fall risk factors. Some programs also involve medication reviews and assess home hazards.
In addition to funding local programs, ACL funds the National Falls Prevention Resource Center to increase falls awareness and support the implementation and dissemination of prevention programs and strategies across the country.
ACL works collaboratively with other federal partners in order to leverage resources and raise the awareness of the cross-cutting falls prevention activity that elevates the community-clinical connection across the aging network.

Evidence-Based Programs
Studies have shown that participation in evidence-based falls prevention programs can improve confidence, decrease fear of falling, and result in fewer falls and injurious falls. Learn about the programs implemented by ACL grantees.

Program Impact
Read testimonials from falls prevention program participants and learn how these programs have changed their lives.

National Falls Prevention Resource Center
Explore the National Falls Prevention Resource Center, funded by ACL and housed at the National Council on Aging (NCOA) Center for Healthy Aging, and discover resources that can help older adults understand their risk factors for experiencing a fall and what actions they can take to reduce the risk.

Grantee Profiles
Learn about current ACL falls prevention grantees — their project goals, strategies, and activities to achieve those goals; the evidence-based interventions they proposed to implement; whom they partnered with; and their anticipated results.

Falls Prevention Awareness Week
Falls Prevention Awareness Week is a nationwide observance that reaches millions of older adults to raise awareness on preventing falls, provides steps to reduce the risk of falls, and helps older adults live without fear of falling.

Studies and Reports
Studies and reports on falls prevention provide valuable insights into effective strategies, interventions, and outcomes aimed at reducing the incidence of falls among older adults.